Dog Pain Symptoms

Can you recognize dog pain symptoms? Would you know if your Miniature Schnauzer is hurting?

We all know dogs are unable to convey in words where and what hurts them, but they can and do communicate to us in many other ways.

By paying attention to your dog's behaviors, you will be able to recognize signs of pain and discomfort in your dog. And the sooner you recognize something is wrong, the sooner you can get your dog the proper treatment to alleviate his discomfort.

So the very first thing is to know your dog. Since each dog is very different, each one will respond to pain differently. For example, if your Schnauzer is usually very playful first thing in the morning and then you wake up one morning to find he is lethargic, you know that is not normal for your dog. So be observant and know your Mini Schnauzer. It is also worth noting that some dogs show very few outward signs of pain, so you really must be in-tune with your dog.

Dog Pain Symptoms

Be on the look out for these warning signs or pain symptoms that may indicate your Miniature Schnauzer is not feeling well or in discomfort:

Vocal Communication: especially when touched in certain areas

  • whimpers
  • yelps
  • groans
  • howls

Posture and Stance

  • limps
  • back arched or hunched

Physical Changes

  • hair loss
  • wounds
  • tumor or cyst
  • discharge from eyes, ears, anal area...
  • foul odor emitting from eyes, ears, nose, mouth, anal area...
  • sudden weight loss or weight gain
  • coat lacks its normal shine and luster

Daily Habits

  • changes in appetite
  • sleeps longer
  • drinks water way more or not at all
  • starts having 'accidents' in the home ~ housetraining

Activity Level

  • tires easily
  • doesn't want to jump
  • hard time sitting or laying down
  • hard time getting up on all fours
  • restless
  • reluctant to move
  • doesn't want to be held or picked up

Behavior Changes

  • acts out of character
  • aggressive
  • growls
  • bites
  • hides
  • trembles
  • repeatedly gets up and lies back down
  • excessive panting
  • rapid breathing
  • blank stare
  • grimaces
  • constantly licking, scratching, or biting himself

Common Causes of Dog Pain

The following is a list of the most common causes of pain and/or discomfort in dogs besides the obvious.... like, your dog just had surgery or an accident. The list is in no way all-inclusive but meant as a guide to help you figure out what might be ailing your Schnauzer so you can find him appropriate relief.

  • urinary tract infections
  • bladder or kidney problems
  • physical injuries: fracture, sprain, bruise insect bite or sting, etc.
  • ear infections
  • eye problems
  • skin ailments: like a hot spot
  • dental pain
  • inflammation of anal glands
  • arthritis
  • gastrointestinal pain
  • back pain

Treating Your Dog's Pain

So what can or should you do to alleviate your dog's discomfort?

If you suspect your Miniature Schnauzer is in pain, a trip to the Vet is in order. Have with you an accurate account of your Schnauzer's pain symptoms. This will help the Veterinarian determine and diagnose effectively the underlying cause of pain or illness in your dog, so treatment can begin.

After a thorough examination, your vet will determine the cause of your Schnauzer's pain and explain the benefits and risks associated with different treatment options. Then you will decide what approach best suits the needs of your Miniature Schnauzer.

Once treatment is prescribed, you will need to follow your Vet’s instructions, as well as pay close attention to any side effects that any of the prescribed drugs could cause: like vomiting, diarrhea, blood in stools, etc…

If you do observe any of these or any other unhealthy changes in your Miniature Schnauzer once you begin administering the drugs.........

stop medication immediately and call your vet right away!

And if you are considering pet insurance, find out what you should be on the look out for when choosing a company and plan options.

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