Puppy Training 101

So, when should you start puppy training? DAY ONE!

There’s both good news and bad news when it comes to training your new Miniature Schnauzer puppy:

  • The good news: Miniature Schnauzers are smart.
  • The bad news: Miniature Schnauzers can also be stubborn.

So, it is important to start training your Miniature Schnauzer right away!

Before we start, it's important to first understand the difference between housebreaking a puppy and crate training a puppy.

Housebreaking your puppy is training your dog to urinate and defecate outside of your home or only in a special designated space. A dog that is house trained has learned to live cleanly in a house and knows not to soil inside.

Crate training your puppy is teaching your dog to go into its crate on command and accepting the crate as a familiar and safe location, for a temporary time period. This is really important to understand.... Your dog's crate should be his safe place, NOT a place he is put into for punishment. Also, and just as important, the crate is for short, temporary time periods. It is not meant for long extended hours.

How Crate Training Your Puppy Can Help with Potty Training Since it is a dog's natural tendency to keep his sleeping area clean, you can begin puppy training by having him learn to accept his crate. Once he's in the crate, allow for a bit of time to pass that would be considered reasonable to resist the urge to go. At that point, take your puppy outside to urinate. The key to success is making sure you do not leave your puppy crated too long. Your new Mini Schnauzer puppy will learn that when he has the urge to go, he can hold it.

puppy training, crate training
Puppy Training Tip: A crate provides a puppy with a sense of security and belonging.

Crate Training Tips: Begin by getting your puppy accustomed to the crate and then start using it for short time spans. Like when you're busy with household chores or must leave home for a a short spell. The crate can help house train a puppy as well as keep a puppy safe and out of trouble, especially when you are not supervising him.

The puppy crate is also great to use when traveling with your Miniature Schnauzer. Your puppy will learn to identify a sense security and belonging to his crate and it will soon become his own doggie haven.

Again, the crate should never be used to put your puppy into when he has done something wrong nor should it be used for an extended time period. If left in the crate too long, your puppy will no longer be able to hold it and eliminate inside the crate. If this happens, it will be your fault (not the puppy's) and the puppy training process may take even longer to establish.

Puppy Training Tips

Keep in mind your new Miniature Schnauzer puppy is probably frightened now that he is on his own and away from his litter mates – so let him sniff around and explore his new surroundings.

During this time, be sure to watch him carefully.

Puppies have to go potty quite often. So during puppy training, watch for signals or signs of pre-urination. If your puppy begins to squat or circle an area, that's your cue to pick him up and take him outside or put him on the pee pads and use the potty command of your choice.

Once your Miniature Schnauzer relieves himself make sure you praise him.

So with these puppy training tips in mind, and if you're ready to test your patience and sense of humor let's begin.

Choose from the list below to start puppy training your new Miniature Schnauzer.

Miniature Schnauzer Puppy Series

  • Crate Training
  • Housebreaking
  • Puppy Supplies
  • Obedience Training
  • Schnauzer Boy Names
  • Schnauzer Girl Names
  • Schnauzer German Names
  • Schnauzer Contest
    Enter your puppy in our contest!

  • The Life of a Puppy

    miniature schnauzer puppyThis morning, I woke up & kissed my dad's head.
    I peed on the carpet, then went back to bed.
    The life of a puppy, oh my, this is great.
    Then I thought about breakfast, I hope it's not late.

    Mom took me outside, we walked for a while.
    This never fails to make Mama smile.
    I sniffed of everything, that we did pass,
    I ate something weird - it gave me gas.

    I'm sure God loves me, I know that is true.
    He gave me so many great things to chew.
    Rugs, plants or rocks, I really don't care.
    miniature schnauzer puppyWhat I truly like best, is Dad's underwear.

    That obedience book, was sort of yummy.
    Though it didn't sit well on my poor puppy tummy.
    I threw up a bit, but that was all right,
    When Mom found it later, I was well out of sight.

    I made streamers of T. P. while running at full speed.
    Mom is pretty quick... but I was still in the lead.
    I flew under the bed, and Mom flew past,
    She stopped, shook her head and breathed,
    "You're too fast."

    Mama later phoned Daddy and said, "It was frightening!"
    That afternoon, she was sure I'd pooped lightning.
    She'd sat at the computer, while I chewed the cord,
    She thought I was mad, but I was just bored.

    miniature schnauzer puppyWhen Mama had enough, couldn't take anymore,
    That's when my tushy got shoved out the door.
    I love it inside, but outside is best.
    I laid in the cool grass, and had a good rest.

    That didn't last long, there was too much to do,
    Can't quite remember where I hid Daddy's shoe.
    I found an old bone, and scratched at a flea,
    I watched the dumb squirrels as they jumped in a tree.

    I barked at the kids, when they got off the bus.
    I can't figure out why this makes Mama fuss.
    I barked at the neighbor, I barked at the wind.
    I barked and barked, till Mom yelled, "COME IN."

    miniature schnauzer puppyThe sun dipped in the west, soon Daddy would come!
    I sure love my daddy, we always have fun.
    I barked at my daddy, then turned on my charms,
    I woo-wooed, "Hello" then jumped in his arms.

    Sitting under the table, it's sooo hard to wait.
    Daddy slipped me a goodie right off his plate.
    I raced through the house and scattered my toys,
    Ricocheted off the furniture and made lots of noise.

    miniature schnauzer puppyMom found her purse... the one I abused.
    Daddy let loose a chuckle. Mom asked "Amused??"
    I cowered down low, I must be in trouble.
    Dad said, "Wasn't MY boy, it must be his double!"

    Mom turned off the TV, and said "Time for bed."
    Dad said "Let's go boy" and patted my head.
    I got in my spot, between Mom and Dad,
    I thought 'bout my day and what fun I had.

    miniature schnauzer puppyMama kicked out my bone from the covers below,
    Then let loose a sigh, a sigh deep and low.
    She gave me a kiss, and snuggled me tight,
    And whispered so softly, 'My darling goodnight'.

    ~ Author Unknown

    What Advice or Dog Tip You Would Give to a New Miniature Schnauzer Owner?

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    Housebreaking Your Mini Schnauzer
    Dog Training Tips
    Dog Behavior Training

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