Thanksgiving Hazards for Dogs

Let's admit it, we all over indulge a bit during the holidays, especially at Thanksgiving. Heck, it's probably the most important meal of the entire year! Your home will be filled with so many wonderful aromas as you prepare the feast of all feasts.

But through out the day, as we taste, sample and snack on a variety of foods, we need to resist the temptation to pass tasty morsels down to our dogs.

Just because we're eating throughout the day doesn't mean our Schnauzers should. Over-feeding your dog or slipping him bits and pieces of rich, fatty holiday foods or leftover table scraps could cause him some major gastrointestinal problems or worse yet... your Schnauzer could end up in the animal emergency room!

And lets face it: Nobody wants to spend the holidays at the emergency vet clinic stressed out and worried about their furry family member. After all, this holiday is all about giving thanks for your blessings and spending time with your family and friends.

To help prevent your Schnauzer from becoming ill, review our 10 holiday pet safety tips below. These pet safety tips will help keep your Miniature Schnauzer safe on Turkey day and every day. And for those of you wanting to prepare a special holiday dinner for your Mini Schnauzer, try our homemade Turkey Bowl Bash for Dogs. Your dog is going to love it! Aroo!

Top 10 Pet Tips for a Safe Thanksgiving

  1. Avoid feeding your Miniature Schnauzer any table scraps. And be sure invited guests know not to slip any snacks of any kind to your dog, too. Zippo! Nada! None! Even if your Miniature Schnauzer uses his/her "Pretty Please" pitiful look or begging stare. Our holiday foods are loaded with fat, which can trigger an onset of pancreatitis.
  2. Secure your garbage so your Schnauzer does not get ingest any bones, plastic wraps, aluminum foil, or any else that has been thrown away.
  3. Keep all holiday decorations and lit candles out of your dog's reach.
  4. Familiarize yourself with the bad foods for dogs. These include popular holiday foods like chocolate, raisins, onions, garlic, macadamia nuts, caffeine products, and alcoholic beverages,
  5. Be aware of your Miniature Schnauzer's whereabouts. With so many guests coming and going, there will be plenty of opportunity for an escape! Also make sure your Miniature Schnauzer is wearing his I.D. tags!
  6. Never, ever leave out any sweets on your coffee table! You can bet as soon as your back is turned, your little scavenger will go straight for them. Have all goodies, hors d'oeuvres, and other dangers like candles placed out of your dog's reach.
  7. Keep the emergency Vet & Poison Control telephone numbers nearby or better yet, programmed into your phone... just in case the unthinkable happens!
  8. Familiarize yourself with the poisonous plants that could potentially be life threatening to your Miniature Schnauzer. Popular Holiday plants: Amaryllis, Peace Lily, Holly, Poinsettia, & Mistletoe are all on the list.
  9. Keep your Miniature Schnauzer out of the kitchen while you're preparing the holiday feast. This one tip alone can prevent a whole host of possible accidents from happening like your Schnauzer tripping you up or ingesting something he shouldn't because it fell on the floor.
  10. Exercise your dog before your guests arrive for the Thanksgiving festivities. Take your Miniature Schnauzer on a brisk walk to help tire him out so he will be more calm during the festivities.

By following a few simple rules and being aware of the possible dangers will help ensure both you and your Miniature Schnauzer have a safe holiday so you can enjoy the celebration.

Want even more tips. Review all our Holiday Safety Tips for Dogs.

Fall Pet Poisons

"Knowledge Share"... If you found these tips on keeping your dog safe this holiday season informative, please share them with your dog-loving friends by clicking on one of the share links at the top right or bottom of this page (like facebook or twitter). It could just save their life!

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