Miniature Schnauzer Body Video

The Miniature Schnauzer Body Video below  demonstrates the use of a wicket when measuring the dog on the exam table. Front legs and hocks are perpendicular to the ground and the actual measuring point depends on the dog's shoulders.

What is the Miniature Schnauzer body suppose to look like? What is its proper shape and size? And what about the Miniature Schnauzer's legs, feet and tail?

Miniature Schnauzer being measure with a wicket

As demonstrated in the video, the wicket is set for the proper height using a tape measure for accuracy. The wicket is then placed at the hindquarters and slowly moved forward to the Schnauzer's withers, being careful not to disturb the Schnauzer's stance, as his hind feet should remain in the accepted show stack position for the breed. The withers is the area between the upper portion of the shoulder blades or just behind the base of the neck where the end of the neck and back meet.

Miniature Schnauzer Body Characteristics:

  • Neck is well arched and blends into shoulder
  • Skin fits tightly to throat
  • Body is short and deep
  • Topline is straight
  • Underbody does not present a tucked-up appearance
  • Length and height of body measure about the same
  • Front legs should be straight and parallel
  • Feet are short and round with thick black pads and arched toes
  • Tail should be set high, erect, and perpendicular to the body
Miniature Schnauzer Body Characteristics

The Miniature Schnauzer body is short and deep and nearly square in proportion. The underbody does not present a tucked-up appearance. Their back or topline is straight and the tail is set high and erect.

The forelegs should be straight and parallel and the feet should be short and round with thick, black pads. The toes should be arched and compact.

The hindquarters should be strong, thighs slanting and the hocks should extend beyond the tail.

Miniature Schnauzer Video Series

And this Miniature Schnauzer book is an excellent source of accurate and in-depth information on the breed. It will help you and your family raise a healthy and well-behaved canine companion.

Complete with a free training DVD that includes information on training methods, convenient diet options, grooming instructions, and health care information.


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Related Topics:
Miniature Schnauzer FAQ
AKC Miniature Schnauzer
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