Interactive Dog Games

Interactive dog games are a great way for you to engage and play along with your Miniature Schnauzer, even if you have to stay indoors, it just takes a little more creative thinking.

Agility, a great dog activity. See how Miniature Schnauzer Reece went from shy rescue pup to a confident dog.
Watch Reece in action

We've already explored the many ways you can exercise your Miniature Schnauzer outdoors and even how to have him entertain himself with these great indoor dog activities when we are away from home.

But what kinds of games can you two play together?

We've put together a list of fun interactive dog games that you may or may not not have thought of including learning new dog tricks, to help strengthen the bond between you and your Miniature Schnauzer, too.

Remember all dogs, and especially Mini Schnauzers, need both physical and mental challenges to truly be happy. So now that your home from work, go change into something more comfortable and let's play!


Interactive Dog Games

1. Chase the Water: Do you have a fenced in back yard? If so, and weather permits, take your Miniature Schnauzer outside and play "Chase the Water" game. It's simple to do.

Turn on your water hose with jet nozzle attached and spray water slowly from one side of your yard to the other and just let your dog chase the water spray until he tires out. Don't forget to let your Schnauzer have a nice cool drink from the water hose when you're all finished playing. He may be exhausted but you're not and you were able to water your yard at the same time!

2. Agility Fun: Buy an inexpensive dog agility kit. You can set up the course outside and have hours of interactive dog play with your Miniature Schnauzer while he learns to maneuver around the obstacle course.

This Agility in a Bag set is perfect for beginners. It comes with 5 popular agility obstacles that can be used indoors or out.

Includes: • WEAVE POLE SET • HURDLE JUMP • TIRE JUMP• PAUSE BOX • TUNNEL which can be used by itself or by attaching the chute • CHUTE • CARRYING BAG • ALSO INCLUDES: Colored vinyl tape for decorating poles and easy assembly and training tips. Super popular dog agility kit!

doggy tip: For those of you living in an apartment complex, ask management to consider installing an off-the-leash chain-link fence for part of the common area, as a special amenity! It won't cost them a lot and they will benefit by keeping their pet-loving renters happy.

If you don't have an agility set or an outdoor area to use one, create your own obstacle course by arranging a line of chairs for your Schnauzer to weave through. Also use a blanket or sheet draped over a couple of chairs or boxes to create a tunnel effect for your Schnauzer to go through. He will love it!

3. Find the Treat: Miniature Schnauzers love this 'seek-n-find' game. Be sure to use healthy and small dog treats like Zuke's Mini NaturalDog Treats.

Put your Miniature Schnauzer in a sit/stay where he will not be able to see you (like in a half bath room or behind a couch). If necessary put him behind close doors for a moment. Take 5 to 10 treats and hide them all throughout your home. Then go release your Schnauzer and tell him to "Go Find It".

As your Miniature Schnauzer gets better and better with this game you can hide the dog treats in more difficult places, even outdoors! The hardest part of this game is remembering where you hid all the treats to make sure they are found.

4. Doggy Play Dates: Most dog people have at least a few other dog owners as friends. If you have a friend that lives close by that owns a dog your Miniature Schnauzer enjoys being with plan to meet up with them once or twice a week and let your Schnauzer have a play date! You can visit with your friend and the dogs can run around, play, and socialize together.

5. Go Around: Teach your Miniature Schnauzer to Go Around objects. Pretty simple to do just say 'go around' and have him chase you around a couch. Then command him to go around and you can pretend to run hard but have him circle the couch 3 or more times before you return to the starting point. He will love it. You can also play this outside by having him go around some obstacle like a bush, tree, or patio table and then come back to you.

6. Blow Bubbles: PetQwerks Doggy Incredibubbles is a fun interactive dog game to play with your Schnauzer. We all know Schnauzers love to chase things and these bubble are long lasting. They dry in the air and land without popping until your dog attacks them.

If you have kids let them blow the bubbles for your dog to chase. They will have so much fun together.

7. Teach a New Dog Trick: Another way to offer your dog some activity and mental stimulation is by teaching him a new dog trick. The Miniature Schnauzer is so smart that trick training is actually fun to do. And your Miniature Schnauzer will impress all your family and friends with his amazing talents.

8. Dog Puzzle Toys: Some of the best dog toys for Miniature Schnauzers are dog puzzle toys. The very smart Miniature Schnauzer loves a challenge and toys like the hide-a-squirrel or a tricky treat ball will keep your dog entertained and mentally stimulated.

Dog Puzzle Toys

interactive dog puzzle toy
Dog Treat Toy
Omega Treat Ball
dog treats for dog puzzle toys
Zuke's Dog Treats
dog puzzle toy
IQ Treat Ball

So you see, with just a little imagination you can come up with some great outdoor and indoor interactive dog games to stimulate the ever so inquisitive Miniature Schnauzer.

And remember when you are gone for long periods of time, you can always  hire a pet sitter? Your Miniature Schnauzer will not only be cared for, watched over and played with on a regular basis, but you can tailor the visits to include lots of outdoor and/or indoor dog exercises and interactive play for your Miniature Schnauzer! Check availability in your area!

Miniature Schnauzer Reece excels in Agility! Here he is at a NADAC Open Standard Division - North American Dog Agility Council (NADAC)


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