Dog Tick Removal

Successful dog tick removal is easily accomplished with the use of the Tick Twister. It is the safest and easiest way to remove ticks without leaving the mouth parts or head of the tick planted in the skin.


Ticks are bloodsucking parasites that thrive in woody areas, tall grassy areas, and brush, just waiting to jump on a passing host. They carry diseases such as Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever and Lyme disease.

Ticks are small arachnids (in the same animal class as spiders, mites, scorpions) that usually attach themselves to the skin, just at the head. What makes them so difficult to remove are the barbs on their heads. Once a tick pushes through your dog's skin, the barbs anchor it in place.

note: It's best not to attempt tick removal with your bare fingers as it will be difficult to get a firm hold of it to pull out in one piece... and if that doesn't happen it could make matters worse. It's best to use a dog tick removal tool like the Tick Twister or a pair of fine-tipped tweezers. Both are easier and safer ways to remove ticks from your dog.

Most ticks are dark brown to black in color and get their nutrition by sucking blood from their hosts. They wait patiently on tall blades of grass and brush until an unsupecting host comes by (like your Miniature Schnauzer). Once it comes into contact with your dog, the tick crawls to a suitable area of the body and begins feeding.

Disease Carrying Ticks

Infected tick carrying the rickettsia rickettsii parasite; the causative agent of Rocky Mounted Spotted Fever.

  Adult deer tick which transmits Lyme disease.

You can help prevent your Miniature Schnauzer from getting sick by checking your dog often for ticks. The most common place to find ticks on your dog is somewhere around the head area (face, ears, eyes, and neck) but they can attach anywhere on your dog's body, so check all over including in between pads, armpits, and around the tail.

During tick season, it is especially important to check your Miniature Schnauzer thoroughly each and every time he spends outdoors. You can also reduce the risk of ticks in your yard by cutting tall grass, trimming back all shrubs and bushes, raking up all leaves, and disposing of all yard debris. There are plenty of organic pesticides for your yard and with the right dog tick removal tool on hand, you can help keep your Miniature Schnauzer tick free.

caution: Before attempting to remove what you think might be a tick from your dog, look at it carefully and be sure it actually is a tick and not a Schnauzer bump or something else (like a scab).

When removing a tick, you want to grasp the tick at the head (not its body) and with a gentle but firm motion pull it outward away from the skin. Make sure you get the entire head to reduce the risk of infection. See step by step dog tick removal instructions, the video, and several tick control products below.

Dog Tick Removal Instructions

  • Check your Schnauzer for ticks by feeling him all over. Pay particular attention to areas ticks like to crawl to: the head, ears, and neck.
  • If you feel a small bump, separate the move and take a closer look to see if it is indeed a tick.
  • If it is a tick, get your Schnauzer in a comfortable position and then use a pair of fine-tipped tweezers or a tick-removing tool.
  • You want to grab the tick as close to your Schnauzer's skin as possible and where the tick’s mouth parts enter the skin.
  • Now firmly pull straight upward - NO jerking or twisting. You want to use a firm but slow and steady pulling motion.
  • Once the tick dislodges, place it in a jar of alcohol.
  • Now use an antiseptic ointment over the bite area.
  • Lastly, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly and clean tweezers with alcohol.

Shop for Dog Flea and Tick Control Products

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