Pootie Tang

by Hannahrose
(Yuma Arizona)

Pootie Tang Loves to Play Frisbee

Pootie Tang Loves to Play Frisbee

Pootie Tang (His Story) Pootie Tang is a 2 year old Mini Schnauzer who lives in Arizona.

Howdy I'm Hannah once I worked at the A.S.P.C.A we help dogs, cats and other animals that have been abandoned, we also help find homes for pets who's owner's can't take care of them anymore for one reason or another. Pootie Tang was one of those pets. I found him at a Puppy Mill that we were investigating. The day we came to get all the animal's out of that terrible home we rang the door bell over and over again but the people that ran the place were gone (they must of found out we were coming so they abandoned their house and all 23 cats, 20 dogs, 4 horses and 1 cow. The horses & cow weren't in the house but they were very sick).

It was a horrible situation and it got worst as I walked around inside the home trying to find animals that might be sick & hiding. I was surprised to find little Pootie in a tiny hole inside a wall. He had a bad cold, ants crawling all over his body and next to him were two bowls one with Moldy food, the other with filthy water and he stunk!

I was surprised that he wasn't scared, violent or timid, as you would expect a dog in his situation to be. He popped his little head out of that hole, with his stump of a tail wagging, he hobbled right too me. He was only about 3 months old but real smart and really skinny too with tons of dirt on him, it was almost too hard to figure out what he was at first. Anyway it took a lot of love, time and patience but we slowly nursed Pootie back to health.

Now days Pootie Tang is very healthy and happy. He comes with me on visits to Schools where he helps to tell little pet owners the dangers of Puppy Mills and how to get a nice pet for their homes. He also visits Senior Citizens Hospital's where he sings to the Patients there. (He has this really weird “hello” howl, he'll do if you give him a treat). The Senior Citizen's eye's brighten up when Pootie sings and they love playing with him. Some Patients love to cuddle with him until they fall asleep and Pootie doesn't seem to mind, he falls right to sleep with them! By the time we get home Pootie a pooped out Pootie yet he's always revved up and ready to go again next week when visiting day comes around again!

To sum it all up Pootie is far more than just another dog to me he's part of my family. Sometimes I wonder if God sends us Guarding Angels in all kinds of forms because if he does than our Long legged Pootie is one of them.

God Bless and Give your little Angel a Hug Today!
Hannah & Pootie Tang

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Pootie Tang!
by: KG ~ Ebenezer's "mom"

I think you're right when you said they are guardian angels! Dog spelled backwards is "God", so it would seem to be true! Pootie is a lucky pooch, and you're a lucky master.

by: Anna K

First of all congratulations on rescuing Pootie! Both of my schnauzers are rescues and one came from a puppy mill. Both are so wonderful and I know grateful for being rescued! And yes, I do believe in Guardian Angels! Aren't they so special!

Anna, Max and Penny

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