My beautiful boy, Louie

by Wendy
(Warrenton, VA)

Louie as Marylyn Monroe

Louie as Marylyn Monroe

I lost my Schnauzer Trudy (a rescue in Texas) from the disease Hypolipodemia in 2011. This absolutely broke my heart. I had never had a Schnauzer before and after her, I started the schnauzer craze with my family. It took 8 months before I would even consider getting another dog. I came on a website just to see what the process was. I put in my information and they called to see if I was looking for a puppy. I said NO I want the dog that everyone has passed up. I got Louie. He came with the name Keeley, he was NOT a Keeley. He had a wonky ear and a bad skin allergy. I investigated and found out he was basically allergic to life (vets words). I put him on a yeast-free diet and that worked. He was my snuggler that never replaced Trudy (you can not replace a family member) but he made the pain bearable. He was my ride or die, loved EVERYONE, and above all he was my beautiful boy. I only have him for a short time of 6 years and 4 months. I found a lump and the doctor confirmed he has cancer. He came to work with me every day and I canceled time with friends so I could be with him every second until the end. The doctor told me possibly two weeks and he lasted 4. He was perky until the very end. My God how I miss him (yep crying now), he has been gone a year. I still have not considered another adoption just yet but I will and I will get another Schnauzer. My daughter has a Rottie and that was Louie's BFF. She too had a hard time after his passing. Though the end came too soon I would not have changed a thing. I gave Louie the best years of his life. He went out Happy and Loved. I take comfort in knowing that I changed his life as he changed mine. Adopt don't shop you will be surprised that you are the one being adopted by a happy furry face that is just so grateful to have you in their life.

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by: Phyllis

You gave him a good life. Condolences.

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