Miss Missy Forever

by Karen Lukeman
(Reston, Virginia)

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Did you say Walk?

Miss Missy left us in April, and my heart broke in a million pieces. The story of her love however, did not stop, she had more to give.

After we lost our little precious Miss Missy, I cried for days, and just felt so lost without her. I wanted her to know how much I loved her, and I could no longer hold her and kiss her sweet head to tell her. I prayed she would know my love was still hers. To keep myself busy I headed to the local garden store to plant spring flowers. On my way to the garden center I spotted two men walking two beautiful silver colored schnauzers. They could have been Missy's sisters, my heart flew to my throat. I stopped the car, and ran across the road to the path, where they stood as I cried, trying to tell them that I had just lost my little schnauzer two days prior. Their eyes told me they understood, and I knelt down to get eye level with their beautiful pups.

Those wonderful schnauzers both looked at me with those soft schnauzer eyes, the look that melts your heart and say's I'm here to love you. The first pup climbed up on my knee and kissed my nose, and I hugged her tight and kissed her soft head, her name was Daisy. The second pup slipped under my arm and laid her head against my heart, her name was Claire A'bell and I cried and hugged them both. Their soft silky fur slid under my finger tips like a balm to my broken soul. They gave me kisses and snugged close as if to tell me that Missy was okay, and she loved me. They made me laugh. I never wanted to let them go. The owners explained they had rescued these beautiful dogs, and worked with schnauzer rescue. Those sweet dogs were rescued, and that day they rescued my wounded heart.

Alas, I could tell the owners had to leave, and I walked back to my car. I started to think about their names as I sat in my car. Daisy, a sweet name, and then like a bolt of lighting their names hit me. Daisy. Clara a'Bell. My mom passed away when I was 14, was Daisy Lee. My grandmother was Claire and Claire is my middle name. I was speechless, and I looked back to the path. Daisy, and Claire a'Bell were gone from sight. I started to laugh with joy and cry with emotion of the power this moment gave to my life. Coincidence? You may think so if you wish. However, that night I sat reading on the couch where Missy and I would sit curled up together. I turned to the last page and smiled as I read the words before me. Is was a simple quote, "Coincidence is Gods way of staying Anonymous" -Albert Einstein.

I know my my little dog is being held safe and tight in my family's arms. You see. My dad, married to Daisy Lee, was Albert, was my grandfather married to Claire was also named Albert. Missy, I will hold you again, I love you, forever and ever after.

Schnauzer of the Month Winner

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Dec 26, 2013
by: Peggy

Such a beautiful story!!! Thank You so much for sharing!

Feb 05, 2013
She is beautiful!
by: Anonymous

What a heart warming story!

Feb 04, 2013
by: Linda

What a sweet, loving face Missy has. It is so hard to loose our little ones. Your encounter with the two minis -- WOW.
Sounds like Daisey has some pretty big shoes to fill! She should be a real sweetie and bring you lots of love and joy.

Feb 04, 2013
Thank your for this honor to my dear sweet Missy
by: Karen

Thank you Schnauzers-Rule for this honor to my little girl Miss Missy. In my minds eye, I can hear her woo woo and see her proudly prancing and dancing in heaven. You have given her a great honor, and I thank those of you who commented on her story and for the comments and kind stories you have shared with me. Her name sake was born in January of this year and Daisy Claire will join our lives in April. It was wonderful to know that her story will live on. Thank you.

Jan 09, 2013
Sorry about Miss Missy
by: MJ

I am so very sorry about Miss Missy; I lost my little boy Shadow (a Schnauzer mix)exactly one year ago this January 4, 2013, so I know exactly the heart break you're experiencing. Be strong, hang in there. She knows how much you love her and she loves you too.

I know have Astrid a mini Schnauzer; her 1st birthday is January 10--tomorrow! I will be buying her a party hat and baking her a vanilla cake/cup cake--don't how much energy I'll have after work. Shadow is "the" one that will all ways be my special one. Astrid is my new love and nothing like her predecessor such an individual! I loved your story. Maybe in time a new 4-legged love will come into your path again.

Jan 06, 2013
Missing Missy
by: Emily

I am so sorry for your loss,i know how hard it is.I lost my Muffin after 15 wonderful years then my little Greta to cushings after 8 years.I still cry for them and like you i was so lost.We now have a White Mini named Scooter.Once again i am so sorry.Muffinsmom15(Emily)

Jan 06, 2013
Awesome God Bless
by: Anonymous

Beautiful story

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