Miniature Schnauzer Rocky

by Rockys Ma ma
(Yuma AZ)

Rocky my little Guardian Angel

Rocky my little Guardian Angel

I'd like to introduce you to Rocky he is the lil' old man of our family, 6 years old and the life saver to many in our little group. In times of trouble I guess we both have helped each other. Once when Rocky swallowed a needle and no one had any idea what was wrong with him, not even the doctors, I decided, after they had stuck tubes down his throat and were ready to do surgery on him, that I would try one more time and just feel behind his tongue to see if anything was blocking that area, when I did, I felt something poke my finger well low and behold Rocky had partially swallowed a sewing needle it was stuck in the back of his tongue. I was shocked, so I pulled it out and he was perfect again, besides being a little surprised that I had just shoved my hand down his throat he was fine.

But I found out how really special this little dog was about 4 years ago when both my Parents had grown very ill and past away. You see Rocky was always there to comfort them when they were sad or in pain right up to their last days. I remember my father was not one who really paid a lot of attention to animals in his lifetime, just a hard working guy who didn't really have time for them. However, as he grew sicker (as it was with my mom, too) he became very close to Rocky. Every day we would bring Rocky to assisted living where my Dad stayed, he was heavily drugged for the pain from COPD. Rocky would climb up onto my Dads stomach (Rocky would climb up so carefully). Even with the pain my Dad was in, Rocky would somehow make it better once he got onto my dads tummy and laid down they both would fall asleep for hours and that was a major blessing. When my Dad passed away we would bring Rocky to visit my mother who was in the same assisted living center and he would always go through each room as if he was looking for my Dad as he would enter that last room where my dad wasn't staying anymore he would lie on that empty bed and fall asleep just as he did when my Dad was there.

He repeated the same actions with my Mother right up to the very end, so we tend to think of our Rocky as more of an Angel than just our little Rocky, because of what a special blessing he is in our lives to this day he continues to bless us all and he comforts me when I miss my parents each year when the anniversary of their passing comes along I feel sad because they are gone, but then Rocky does what he does best, he jumps up on my lap, ball in mouth, ready to play!

Truly Rocky is our little guardian angel always there at the right time God must have known I was going to need him for time's like these because when we first saw this funny little dog in a play pin with all these other little dogs, we were going to pass him over for his sister, I am SO very thankful today that my husband said no, that's the dog, that's our Rocky!

Thank you for letting me share.
Raynee Kremer (Rocky, Bullwinkle and Pootie Tangs) Mom
PS; You didn't think after having Rocky we would stop at buying just one did ya? :)

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Thank you
by: Rockys Mom

Thank you so much for your comments he still blesses me every day, if dogs go to Heaven he'll be waiting for me with his favorite old sock, there! :)

by: KG ~ Ebenezer's "mom"

What a heartwarming story. I can picture my Ebenezer doing the same thing. We take him visiting our elderly neighbors whenever we can. Mini-Schnauzers just seem to know, and have a way of brightening the older folks' days. You (and I, too) have been blessed with angels, for sure. Thanks for sharing your story.

by: Jan

Aren't Mini Schnauzers the best?! Your little Rocky does sound like an angel, they always know when someone is hurting. Enjoy them!!
Sadie's mom, Jan

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