Libby's been Liberated

by Corky Becker
(Palatka, Florida)

Miniature Schnauzer, Do you think I have big ears?

Miniature Schnauzer, Do you think I have big ears?

When I was rescued, they called me Liberty because I was liberated from a terrible place called a puppy mill. I was a puppy mill dog used only for breeding. I lived my 8-10 years in a wire cage along with another Mini. All we both did was have puppies 2-3 times a year.

When I was rescued, I weighed a grand total of 3 pounds (I now weigh 11 lbs). I was so matted they had to shave me to my skin. That's when they found huge sores the size of lemons, on several places of my body.

The doctors didn't think I was going to make it, because when I was rescued, I was dying from malnutrition and severe dehydration. I was nursing 5 pups at the time.

I was fostered by a deer lady named Sherry and after a month I was adopted by my mom & dad. I didn't know what love was and grass was a new adventure for me as well. Mom taught me how to go up and down steps, and showed me more love than you could ever imagine.

I've learned how to play with toys now, and balls are my favorite. I can run like the wind now and eat like a pig. It took mom over a year to house break me. I was so used to just 'going potty' at any time and any where in my cage, so I was pretty stubborn about learning housebreaking techniques.

I now live with a mom that loves me to death and I have 3 brothers and 2 sisters that love me, too.

I still walk kind of funny because of standing on a wire floor in my cage for all those years ~ but I've been liberated!

Comments for Libby's been Liberated

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beautiful story
by: Ad

Im very glad that amazing schnauzer has received proper care, was saved, and now with loving family.
Horrible condition to keep such a tender and loving creature

So happy!
by: Quiqui

God bless your mom Liberty,
I hope you live a long life with nothing but love, fun and freedom.

Thank God for saving this baby
by: Libby

I do not know how people can be so inhumane. So ignorant and dirty and mean and breed an animal in this manner. Just unreal. Thank you for liberating Libby. We share a name. I have 3 schnauzers, 1 yorkie , 1 lab and a yorkie poo, a siamese cat and several birds a fish aquarium and a couple of bunnies. I car imagine treating them like anything but family. It's a job and busy all the time, but I love them.

thank you!
by: Anonymousjohn

Your a saint!

thank you!
by: Anonymousjohn

Your a saint!

Sad yet happy
by: Anonymous

So sad for the first 8 years but what a happy ending. Thanx for rescuing Libby...

Sad yet happy
by: Anonymous

So sad for the first 8 years but what a happy ending. Thanx for rescuing Libby...

Libby and Oscar
by: Ellen

I'm sad and happy for Libby she's in a better place now .My mini snauzer died the day before my b-day and on my moms birthday . But now I'm really excited cause I'm getting a new one in ,well actually this Saturday . He's named musket after the mountaineer dog . Libby is up there with my dog Oscar now their both watching us .Libby is ok.

Sweet Angel Libby
by: Athena

Corky, I am so sad for you but Libby is free and out of pain now. She loved her life with you and I know she will continue to watch over you all. Sending prayers and remembrance of a sweet soul. Fly high Libby!

Libby is at the Bridge
by: Mom

With a heavy heart,I am writing to let y'all know that Libby went to the Rainbow Bridge on Sept. 9th 2012. We figured she was between 16-17 yrs old. I know that she had a very long happy life with my family and her brothers and sisters. I will miss her terribly, especially all the little cuddles and kisses she would give me each day.

by: Rafael Arvelo

What a happy ending. Thanks 4 bring liberty to this pretty life. Thanks!!!

Sybil says Hi
by: jan

I read your story to Sybil a mini schnauzer who owns me. Your story and hers are just so similar. Sybil said to tell you you are beautiful and if we didn't live in different parts of the world she's love to meet you to exchange your stories.

Sybil is up on the rescue site and invites you to drop by and see how pretty she looks now.....

Beautiful little girl!
by: Ann

I have met Libby and she is beautiful and healthy. You've given her the best life ever coming out of such a bad situation.

Libby, a Mini Schnauzer Set Free
by: Anonymous

What a great story! You are so lucky to have found such a wonderful parent to care for you, teach you, and most of all love you.

Congratulations Libby!

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