Hi, I'm a star. My name is Twinkles.

by Jo Sumlin
(Lenoir, NC)

Miss Twinkles is the smallest of our two schnauzers but has the biggest personality. Her favorite toy is a stuffed cow that is about her size and is colored green with large pink polka dots. We call him Mr. Measels.

Miss Twinkles loves to play practical jokes on her half sister Molly. If Molly is taking a nap on the floor and Twinkles is on the sofa, Twinkles will wait for Molly to nod off then Twinkles will hover over Molly and make a loud shriek bark and scare Molly awake. She then runs to one of our laps for safety.

We call her our little cuddle bug because she is so affectionate and wants to be where ever you are. She is very modest when she goes out to do her business. Her pet peeve is unwanted guest on her walks.

Comments for Hi, I'm a star. My name is Twinkles.

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Jun 07, 2014
Cute baby!
by: Debra

Twinkles is a doll baby! Thanks for sharing! I have 2 of my own and they keep me on my toes! Schnauzers' are the best!

Jun 07, 2014
by: Anonymous

Thanks for sharing Twinkles with us. I am a new momma of a mini-Schnauzer, who I have named Champ. I hope to bring him home in a few more weeks. I hope he is as delightful as your Twinkles.

Jun 07, 2014
by: Jackie

Thank you for sharing Twinkles with us. Don't schnauzers make the funniest puppies? I have a 14 week old "Cookie" and she is hilarious. We have an older dog, also a "Molly" (13 years), who really sees this crazy pup's antics as quite a waste of time but occasionally she meets the challenge and plays along side her. Where would we be without our canine babies? Again, thank you for sharing and making me smile.

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