Gardening with Lola

by Kristina Baker
(Buena Park,Ca)

I saw my little girl Lola, being born. She was breeched. I was lucky she survived because she is the reason for a smile on my face day after day. Her mother was unable to produce milk, so from day three of Lola’s life I bottled fed her. I bonded with her really quickly from feeding her. After all the way to a dogs heart is her stomach.

My girl Lola, was the runt of the litter and I had to feed her more than the other. As Lola grew her personality grew too. I soon learned she is a remarkably smart, stubborn, goofy, and at times feisty dog. When she was just one, I broke my ankle and I needed surgery to fix it. I was told Lola waited for me by the door to come home. When I finally came home, she howled with joy and came over to greet me. I don’t know how she knew to be gentle around me at that time, but she did know. She stayed by my side, and made sure things were out of my way when I crutched around the house.

Once my ankle healed and I was able to walk I walked with her, played with her, and taught her new tricks. One of Lola’s favorite things to do is to catch her squeaky toys and then squeak them in her mouth until she falls asleep. Her love of squeaky toys makes me laugh because I have never seen a dog squeak a toy on command. Also she will squeak a toy with her nose kind of like a seal squeaks horns with their nose. I don’t know why she does it that way, but she does.

Besides from playing with her squeaky toy Lola loves to follow me around the garden. In the picture I sent in Lola was watching me, while she was sitting next to flowers and a bucket. I wanted to take a picture so I went to get my camera and when I returned she was in the bucket. I laughed and she looked at me with a smile on her face and a flower petal in her beard. I took the flower petal out of her beard and used it as bait to get her to look at me when I took the picture. She now gardens with me every time I do... and she is a great help.

Comments for Gardening with Lola

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Mar 12, 2014
Sooo cute...
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

Super cool to see Lola...
what we will do without our Mini's ?
They somehow become the center of attention of in the manor...
Loala and you are sooo lucky...

Mar 08, 2014
by: Anonymous

this is no love on earth quite like a dogs;
lovely mini;many,many happy years with her;

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