Dog Friendly Gardens

dog friendly gardenMini Schnauzer Griffin Enjoys a Beautiful Spring Garden

Creating dog friendly gardens for your Miniature Schnauzer is not hard to do… and when you are finished you will have a beautiful garden to enjoy and one that provides safety for your dog.

Before actually getting started, it's a good idea to just observe and watch your Schnauzer's outside activities for a while. Is he a digger? Does he romp through the flower beds? Is he wearing out a visible path? Or perhaps your Schnauzer just runs along the fence, chasing those pesky squirrels. Knowing how your dog behaves when he is outside will help you determine the best lay out for your garden and the changes you will need to make.

Dog Friendly Plants

When planting a dog friendly garden, be sure not to include any plants that are poisonous to dogs. Also, stay away from having other potentially harmful plants in your garden like thorny bushes which could cause serious eye injuries to your Schnauzer.

Instead, plant only dog safe plants and flowers (list provided by the ASPCA). Luckily there are plenty of beautiful plants and flowers that are non-toxic to dogs so we can create a lovely garden, including Snapdragons, Baby’s Tears, Bachelors Buttons, and Zinnias. And for shrubbery, try Forsythia (or Golden Bells) to add a bright pop color.

non-toxic plants to dogs
Bachelors ButtonsBaby's TearsSnapdragons
non-toxic plants to dogs
Canna LilyZinniasGrape Hyacinths

Please note: Although the plants listed are deemed "non-toxic to dogs" according to the ASPCA, it's always best to play it safe and never allow your Miniature Schnauzer to ingest any parts of plants.

If you think that your Schnauzer may have ingested a poisonous plant, contact your local veterinarian or the ASPCA 24-hour emergency poison hotline directly at 1-888-426-4435.

Dog Friendly Landscaping

So what are the basic needs of your Miniature Schnauzer when he is outside in the backyard? Let's see, he goes outside to potty, to play, and to relax a bit. So let's come up with areas suitable to incorporate his needs while keeping our yard intact.

  • Potty Time: If your Mini Schnauzer already has a designated potty area, great. If not, encourage your dog to eliminate in far reaching areas of your yard. For male dogs that like to mark a bit more, try adding a few decorative posts around the perimeters of your yard and garden areas. Also check out the Doggie Dooley Pet-Waste Disposal System. It works like a miniature septic tank and is an excellent way to dispose of pet waste and control odors, keeping lawns doodie-free.
  • Play Time: Keep a large enough area of grass to meet the exercise and play needs of your dog. If your Schnauzer loves to run and play, a backyard full of potted plants, yard art, flower beds, and outdoor furniture will not be conducive. So be sure to include a large enough area for your dog to run and play. If you rather, fence off an area of your yard where it is designed only for your dog to run and play and get the exercise he needs.
  • Rest Spot: Include in your design a nice cool spot, perhaps under a tree, that offers shade for your dog to take a rest outside. Or add a dog house which will provide both safety and shelter to your Schnauzer. And always be sure you dog has fresh cool water to drink while outside in order to stay hydrated.

3 more things to keep in mind....

  1. Never Stop Training: Train your Schnauzer to stay out of certain areas of the garden. Use raised beds to elevate plantings away from paths and small fencing around other areas you do not want your dog to enter at all.
  2. Organic Pesticides: Use only pet-friendly organic pesticides in your yard and garden. It's not only safer for your dog, it's better for the environment and your family, too.
  3. Other Dangers: Check your yard often for signs of wild mushrooms. During rainy seasons wild mushrooms called death caps pop up all over. These mushrooms are highly toxic to dogs and can cause liver failure if ingested. Remove these mushrooms if you have them in your yard and get your dog to the vet immediately if he ingests any of them!

Just by making a few simple changes to your existing yard can create a dog friendly garden that you both can enjoy all year long. And be sure to check out these Schnauzer themed outdoor lawn and garden items
including: Schnauzer weather vanes, garden flags, planters, signs, thermometers, and more!

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