Dignified Winston

by Irene Nicolai
(Los Angeles, CA)

I wasn't even looking for a dog when I reluctantly went along with a friend to a pet adoption fair in Sherman Oaks, CA. I expected to see a lot of scruffy little mutts. To my surprise most of the hundreds of dogs there were gorgeous pure-breds who were knocking themselves out trying to attract potential parents. I was attracted to a couple of pretty little Cocker Spaniels and was starting to break down to my friends urging to go for it.

That's when I noticed a gray middle sized scruffy looking dog a little away from all the activity in a cage with another little dog. He simply stood there watching the activity of the lively dogs and the humans passing by. Everyone ignored him. When I came near him he was aloof and continued just watching. I noticed a tag on him with the number three. I asked what that was and was told that he had three days left on him. No one wanted him because he was older and didn't seem to want to please anyone. I, however, saw him as wise and dignified and took him home.

At first I thought that I made a big mistake. For one thing, he mistook my little cat for potential lunch and kept attacking her. But he was smart enough to understand it when I told him that she was off bounds and soon left her alone. He was also beautifully trained. He not only knew basic commands but, among other things, kept a polite distance when I was filling his bowl without approaching until I said "OK."

He was a terrific watch dog which was a comfort to me as I am an older woman living alone. High demeanor was always that of a gentleman. I considered changing his name to Cary Grant, but he wouldn't have it. In time he became attached to me and I to him. He and the kitty became friends and are sleeping together on my bed this very minute.

The biggest surprise though, was when I submitted him as a "Therapy" dog to a local hospital. He had clearly been trained for this already... or he is a genius... and took to his job like a duck to water. For one thing, he does not lick the patients and seems to relish the many petting hands of children and adults in various stages of illness and recovery. His calm, patient and dignified personality is loved by both patients and hospital staff and everyone who meets him tells him how gorgeous he is (too, too true).

I've had other dogs in my younger life but there has never felt the closeness there is with this loving and devoted little guy, whose name, of course, continues to stay Winston.

Comments for Dignified Winston

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Such wonderful dogs
by: Anonymous

I've had my three year old schznozer, Scotchtape, for little over 6 months now. He was a neglected dog who didn't get allot of attention and was left in a cage for most of his life. At first he was terrified of humans, yet somehow he warmed up to me and my family and can't be without us.

He really seems attached to me, even when I'm sleeping he won't leave the room unless i do! His such a loyal and kind dog, still a little iffy around strangers, but has to be one of the best dogs I have ever come to know. Hopefully he will stay with us for a very long time.

Dogs are truly man's best friend. In the latter years I hope he can become a 'winston' like yours. His such a little rascal and clumsy as a bat haha. But I still love him.

by: Anonymous

my good boy also was a dog passed over by everyone else until my wife & i found him;he was,as winston,a wonderful dog & to this day i miss him deeply;

thank you for having the insight to see the dog winston really is;

R.I.P. casper,my good boy

Wonderful story!
by: Nancy

I have an 8 year old miniature schnauzer named Winston too. His original owner gave him up because he didn't fit her lifestyle any longer. He too was dignified and aloof. You wouldn't know that 3 years later! Aren't we the lucky ones for taking a chance on such wonderful boys named Winston. And aren't your clients the lucky ones to have such a wonderful therapy dog.

by: Jerri

Congratulations! I to have a schnauzer who is a therapy dog and it is so true that they are dignified. Harley D seems to look into everyone's eyes to assess what they need.

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