Always ready Klaus

by Doug
(Greybull, Wyoming)

For 13 1/2 years I was fortunate in having one of my best friends as my constant companion. Jock was a lot more than just a dog, he was a true friend. His last afternoon on this earth was one of the most poignant times of my life. I lived in a log home that had a wonderful front porch that opened out onto a pasture and pine trees beyond. That last afternoon, Jock and I sat silently side by side looking out just enjoying the cool clear air and beautiful vista of Montana. For over an hour we just sat there, no sound except for buzzing of the creatures flying around and quiet wind coming through the pine trees. It was Jock's last day on earth and I knew that he wasn't feeling well, but for that short hour plus he seemed so contented and happy and not with a care in the world. Jock left me that night. For over 6 months I resisted all attempts by my daughter to get another little friend knowing that Jock was the best. One day my daughter showed me the photo of a little guy in Texas and I must admit I immediately fell in love, and then when I saw that he and I shared the same birthdate, I knew he and I were destined to be together. That was two years ago, and it is almost like Klaus was born with all of the memories of Jock, as he is so quick to pick up on things and he is just the best little friend again I could have ever wished for. Klaus loves to romp in the woods when I go exploring and he loves to rush around in the back yard playing catch, and he loves to just sit on the sofa side by side with me. He is every bit the friend that Jock was.

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One for another
by: Anonymous

I feel your pain of loosing such a good friend. I lost my Cole October 11th of 2019. I wish I could have stayed with him before his surgery. His last three hours of life was spent with strangers. Breaks my heart. I just kind of thought and hoped that the surgeon would find something simple to fix. My beloved Cole hid his illness right up to the very end. He had a cancerous tumor in his spleen that ruptured. He was bleeding internally. The surgeon was able to remove the spleen and stop the bleeding. After the surgeon cleaned up the abdominal cavity he discovered that the liver had been compromised by the tumor in the spleen. The surgeon gave my Cole a week to a month to live and the possibility of the cancer spreading to his lungs. I could not dare to think of my "good boy" going through such a terrible death. I said a prayer and asked the good Lord for wisdom, understanding, and strength. I had my "Good boy" put to rest. God speed my precious Cole. With in hours of my Cole's passing I found an 18 month old schnauzer boy at the Highlands County, FL Humane Society up for adoption. His name is Quinny, and just like your story the saga continues. The love Cole pored into me, I must poor into Quinny. Long live the Schnauzer.

New companion
by: Maggie

what a great story !!! Schnauzers are the best :) We've had them most of my life. Then I got two of my own, both have passed and I recently lost old man Dean (beautiful silver boy) earlier this year (13.5) and 7 days later I was informed a puppy mill momma Schnauzer who needed a home. I'd already said I was going to wait, my daughter insisted I am now have Laurie . I wish you the very best !!

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