Tiki's favorite look

by Monica Avendano
(Fort Lauderdale FL)

Is there something on my face?

Is there something on my face?

Tiki is a rescued two year old female miniature schnauzer. She is the life of the party and the biggest snuggle bug! Her favorite toy is a little squeaky football and loves playing in the yard; especially doing her touch down dance!

Lizards and squirrels BEWARE you are not welcomed in Tiki's world! When she gets excited she hops in place and when you don't go where she wants she love bites your ankles.

I've had her for only three months and already I am a schnauzer lover for life. This little girl has completely stolen my heart with her inquisitive nature and silly personality.

Recently I've discovered her love of clothes! She picks the one she wants and gets annoyed when you take it off her. Although she is a true Tom boy who prefers having dirt on her face, in her mouth, and under her nails. The sweetest girl she knows when to be calm and when it playtime (She excells at them both equally). Oh and she loves loves loves carrots and apples!

Comments for Tiki's favorite look

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What a doll!
by: Stephanie Angelos

How awesome for both of you that you rescued sweet Tiki! What a face! I hope you have years and years to see that smile. That really is a smile on that face!

Sweet Tikki
by: Mary

Thanks for saving that sweet baby she reminds me of my darling Molly who rode Harley's with me till the end , now I have Charlie he's on here and he's a doll like Tikki

by: Anonymous

she's a darling =)

thank you for rescuing her;

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