The loss of a friend

by Lacey C.
(Rockwall, Texas)



On may 25th 2013 I lost my best friend. His name is Hunter and he was almost 15 years old. I have had this dog since I was 11 years old ... I have never lost anyone or anything this close to me ever in my life. I have cried for the loss of my best friend everyday. My heart and my soul mourns for him. I wish I could just of held him a little longer, rubbed his paws more often and have the ability to sleep next to him again.

Saturday morning I got a frantic phone call from my mother telling me I needed to come home and calm him down. That's all I needed to hear honestly and I knew it was time and I didn't have enough time to spend with him. He was very old and such a good dog. He had very very bad hip and joint issues his whole life and I guess that Saturday morning his back legs just quit. I found him laying on a blanket next to the door waiting for me and I immediately starting started screaming and crying cause ... He looked so pitiful and I knew he was in immense pain and he couldn't stop drooling or keep his eyes focused on me at all. I dropped to me knees and just picked him and held him the whole time like a child, he was my child. MY mother and I had to put him down and hour later... Both of my parents were by my side and even at 27 years old, I still need them. My heart hurts for him and my soul yearns for him.

I just got his ashes yesterday. They are by my night stand for now. He was my beeessssttt friend. I have never had to deal with death this close before, I am not a fan of this. I wish I could of done more for him and I hope he knows that I love him and always will. I've recently, the past few times I have taken a nap, have woken up thinking that I hear him walking and pacing the floors still... this is hard.

Comments for The loss of a friend

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Jul 13, 2013
hoping these words help
by: Jeanne

I thought I would lose my mind with grief after Dami's death. One very bad day,when I was starting to think...this is how I will feel the rest of my life,my husband asked me this question. He said,"Is your grief so intense you would wish you had never known him?" Please think about something you loved about Hunter,then ask yourself that question. Love is precious,that's why it costs so much. I hope 'the question' helps you too.

Jul 08, 2013
So sad
by: Julie

I've just had to send my pepper to heaven 19-6-2013 I am devastated I can't live without him in my life , I keep thinking its a dream and I will wake up and everything will be ok . I put his casket in my bag and we go to church together . I love him .

Jul 08, 2013
Thank you all
by: Lacey C.

Thank you all. It's be over a month since his passing and I still cry for him. I keep his ashes next to my bed, it helps. Thank you for all your kind words and sympathy. I really really do appreciate it.

Jul 08, 2013
So Sorry
by: Emily

I am so sorry for your loss,it is hard to loose your best friend,When i lost mine i read about the Monday night 10:00 P.M. candle lighting.Monday nights go outside and light a candle for your lost furbaby.Another thing,write it helped me when my girls died,lost my Muffin after 15 years to the bridge and Greta at 13 years.My heart goes out to you.Go ahead and cry,nothing wrong with that.Hugs to you and your family

Jul 08, 2013
RIP Hunter
by: Timmy's family

I have tears in my eyes reading this. It takes me back to our terrible January. You had 15 years with him, that is such a blessed long time. He will always be with you, I did the same when we lost out Tim, I kept thinking I could hear him or see something out of the corner of my eye. Its there way of saying they are fine. Happy & painfree. It does get easier, I didn't think it would but it does. You never forget, we are now ready to get another dog, a girl though, I am not ready for another boy yet.
Smile and think of the good times you shared, you did all you could for him.xx
RIP Hunter.

Jun 14, 2013
For Lacey-So sorry for the loss of your Hunter....
by: Karen Catizone

Hello Lacey,
My name is Karen Catizone. I live in Boston, MA. I saw that you lost your Schnauzer on the Schnauzer's's Facebook page. I wanted to send you a message saying how very very sorry I am. I truly, truly know EXACTLY what you are going through too. I lost my Mini Schnauzer Sam on May 31 2010. Sam was the Dog of my lifetime. I work as a Veterinarian Technician, and in my life I know I will have many dogs living with me. I have a new dog now too-a Boston Terrier named Sophie. And as much as I love her, and I so do, I know that in my lifetime, I will never, ever have another dog like Sam. He was just the best. I just read your story about Hunter and what happened, and I am sitting here shaking my head and tears are welling up in my eyes. What you said is so similar to what happened to me with Sam it's eerie.

OK first, as I said I am a Vet Tech, and I can tell you that I am pretty certain there wasn't much more you could have done for him to save him. In fact, letting him go was the best thing in that situation you could do for him. It's awful, I know, but it's the final gift we can give our pets when it's time. To take them out of their suffering. And you did just that. And in doing that-you did the RIGHT THING. I am not just saying that-I mean it.

As for feeling like he was your child-he was. As Sam was mine. No one will ever be able to tell me different. And don't let anyone ever tell you different too.

That is so good you had your parent there with you when the time came to let Hunter go. When it came time to let Sam go, my husband Tommy was with me. I could not put my Mom through being there for that. She has a heart condition, and I felt it might have been too much for her to see that because of how much she adored Sam. But if I asked her, I know she would have gone too. As long as I had Tommy, I knew I'd be OK. And I knew Sam would be OK with going knowing Tommy was with me.

My Dad passed away in 2005. Sam knew my dad as "Popa G" (my maiden name starts with a "G"). Sam and his Popa G were also extremely close. One of the things that gave me great solace when I knew earlier that day that Sam's time had come, was that I KNEW he would be with his Popa G in Heaven. I knew my Dad would find Sam and take care of him for me until I got there. I never realized though that my Dad would be there for Sam much sooner than I thought he would. Just after Sam passed, my husband said to me-"Karen, can you smell that?" The second he said that, I smelled my Dad's cologne. And the type of cologne we wore, only my Dad wore. We both knew at that second that my Dad had been there with us the entire time. Before Sam even passed. He was there, and in having me smell him, made sure we KNEW without a shadow of a doubt, that Sam would be with him now and he would take care of him.

Jun 04, 2013
Thoughts and Prayers are with you...
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

I am so sorry read the loss of your darling friend... Cherish the memories of those beautiful must be having millions....

The feeling of them not in our life anymore might take time... and with time it will get manageable.

Sorry, i am crying when i am writing this for you
and makes me to think of the last day my beloved Sasha left us 2 months back.
Hunter's 2011 photo resembles a lot like my Sasha
you take care... Time will heal us...

Jun 01, 2013
There are no words
by: Bev

I am so sorry. As my title says, there truly are no words. My schnauzers are my life. Our world revolves around them. You are in my prayers and thoughts as you go through this terrible time. know that your baby is in the arms of his Creator and is forever young now. Healthy, happy and always watching over you. God bless you and keep you.

Jun 01, 2013

May you discover healing, loosing your beloved hurts but feel fortunate you will forever have the beautiful memories and have his ashes near !!! My warmest thoughts your way !!!

May 31, 2013
by: Loretta

I am crying as I just read your story. I have lost a couple of pets and loved ones in my life as I am much older than you, but you love your pet so much it breaks your heart, especially your first pet. My first love was my Tiny a black chiwawa and I was 16.i always said she was my first child. The memories are what get you through and as time goes by you can tell funny stories. Sometimes I still cry about Tiny about after all these years but she brought me such comfort in my young years as your dog has. It takes time for the hurt to get easier honey. Take care of yourself. God Bless.

May 31, 2013
by: Loretta

I am crying as I just read your story. I have lost a couple of pets and loved ones in my life as I am much older than you, but you love your pet so much it breaks your heart, especially your first pet. My first love was my Tiny a black chiwawa and I was 16.i always said she was my first child. The memories are what get you through and as time goes by you can tell funny stories. Sometimes I still cry about Tiny about after all these years but she brought me such comfort in my young years as your dog has. It takes time for the hurt to get easier honey. Take care of yourself. God Bless.

May 31, 2013
Deepest Sympathy
by: Suzen

I have deep sympathy for your loss of your best friend. My little Schnauzer has taken over my life in the two years I've had her so I can not imagine your sorrow and anguish. Maybe when you thought you heard him in you dream he was telling you he was alright. Sincere sympathy

May 31, 2013
by: Anonymous

Biggest Hugs to you. I still tell everyone that a shnauzer's love is just indescribable such special little heart babies and our love for them is just as great! Thinking of you xx

May 31, 2013
Thank you'!
by: Anonymous

Thank you all very much. I feel that I might be too emotional over this... But that's not possible. I'm proud of myself. I keep myself together pretty well until I'm home alone, without him. Thank you thank you thank you for all of y'all's kind words. I really honestly enjoy reading them and knowing that I'm really understood.

May 31, 2013
by: Emily

I am so sorry for your loss, I last my 2 girls 1 Muffin was 15 and Greta was 13.something that helped me cope was on Monday nights at 10:00 is a candle light service,it is supposed to let your furbaby know you are thinking of them.Write to Hunter,i wrothe letters so many times.Mostly I cried,don't let people tell you to get over it.I don't know how many times I wished I had one more day.Hunter knew you loved him and one day you will see him at the Rainbow bridge.He will be the same healthy boy you remember.

May 31, 2013
My Condolences
by: Jillinois

I'm so sorry; I've lost 3- one was the puppy I got when I was 9 years old...she died in 1987, the next died in 2001, and the last one died last December. I still get misty when I think of all of them - especially the last one. I'm on # 4- she's 5 months old now, and driving me nuts- but I love her :)

I know it hurts so much. You'll never forget Hunter, and no dog will ever replace him- but I would encourage you to think about another dog. I lived in TX for 17 years (Austin and Kerrville)- they have some of the best apartment 'rules' about having pets. I never had a problem finding somewhere to live.

Let yourself grieve. And know that lots of folks know what you're going through :)

May 31, 2013
Best Friend Hunter
by: Anonymous

I am so sorry for your loss. I know this may not help now, but just remember for his whole life you were "his besssst friend." Every day he lived, he lived it for you. He is waiting now across the Rainbow Bridge, free of pain, free from the bonds of old age, eagerly looking for you to join him on a fun adventure. He is only gone for a little while and the thing that would make him wag his tail more than anything else is to see your tears dry and your heart happy. Take each day one at a time and it will be okay.

May 31, 2013
God bless you and your family.
by: Anonymous

I know you are hurting. Take comfort in knowing what a full and happy life he had, that you all gave him. Also that he is not suffering anymore. Sometime read A Dogs Purpose and/or A Dogs Journey it will help you to laugh and cry about all the crazy things your best friend did. You all made him happy,all a dog wants is love from their family for life and y'all gave him that!

May 31, 2013
Sweet Hunter
by: roxie

My heart just breaks for you. I am so sorry for your loss. They truly are our best friends. I hope time and fond memories of sweet Hunter will heal your broken heart. May God bless.

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