Snapping and growling

Snoopy has become quite temperamental. He is 6 months old. He growls and sometimes snaps when he doesn't want you to do something. How do I correct this behavior? Is this a phase? He is very smart and potty trained in 2 weeks. He just started this within the past month. We have grandchildren and I do not want him to bite one of them. I potty trained him using a mini treat and praise when he went outside and did his business, then ignoring him when he had an accident. I have tried this for the growling and snapping but it hasn't helped. Should I put him in his crate when he does this for a specific time? If, so, how long? Examples of when he does this include: if you go to move him when he is lying down, when you go to trim his nails, when I start to comb him fur, when he is on your lap and you go to adjust your position or his, etc. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.

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Snapping and growling
by: Maria

Please do no not allow this to go on. I would get. A professional to come to my home if you cannot handle this by yourself. I had adopted a 6 month old Lhasa apso/poodle mix from someone privately. From the minute I brought her home she would growl low under her breath. If you pet her too long she’d snap, if she has something she didn’t want you to have she snapped. She was running the show and even though I had trainer I personally wasn’t able to control her. She bit several family members. Then I had my grandchildren. I always crated her when anyone came over. I did not trust her because she was very unpredictable. She got off the property one night and bit a stranger who was trying to look at her ID.tag. I decided I could not keep her any longer because I would never trust anyone around her. It was one if the hardest things I ever had to do. If you have someone in the home ithat is more dominant maybe they can help with enforcing the commands. Don’t let her get away with it, it will only get worse. I wish you good luck.. some dogs are not. Meant to be in active households and do better with a single low key person.

by: Anonymous

it may be that snoopy is suffering pain of some sort, so i suggest taking him to the vet for a full check up. it is also important to remember that aggression is a sign of extreme discomfort, so he may be trying to warn you.

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