Schnauzer fear of Rain or Snow (even without thunder). He will not pee in the wet or cold weather.

by Chris

My Mini Schnauzer is 11 years old and will not pee or poop in the snow or rain. He will hold out for almost a day. I don't want to take him out at 3 am but I also don't want to risk his health. Any suggestions?

Comments for Schnauzer fear of Rain or Snow (even without thunder). He will not pee in the wet or cold weather.

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Thunder excites Nina
by: Sam Parthasarathy

My little Nina loves thunder. She needs to find out where the sound comes from. Doesn’t care about rain or lightning but thunder is a different story. She will bark and say in dogfish " I want to go and see" and wouldn’t stop until I take her out. Once out, she will look at the sky and once she figured out, "ok, let us go inside". I love my schnauzer!,

Rain Gear
by: Anonymous

I am currently waiting for my new MS pup. However, reading your story reminded me of an issue that I had with my first dog.

I bought a puppy rain coat and boots. It worked! I thought he looked quite ridiculous; however, the rain gear saved my hardwood floors!

Best of luck!

Potty Tips When Raining
by: Schnauzers Rule

A lot of Schnauzers (and other dogs) don't like to go out when it's raining. Here are a few tips/suggestions you can try.

1. Take your dog for walks on days it's raining especially on light rains so he gets accustomed to it.

2. Teach him to 'hurry up'.

3. Buy a wide umbrella or golf umbrella and go out with him. Do this along with the hurry up command and praise. Then race back inside and towel off. :)

4. Create a dry potty area outside for your dog. Install a canopy tent with sides so a section of your yard remains covered for him.

5. If none of these work maybe opt for an indoor solution. Use pee pads or potty grass and set it up in the laundry room, basement or garage and let your dog use that during cold and wet days he refuses to go out. Could be a useful alternative as your dog ages well into his senior years too.

Good Luck,
Athena - Schnauzers Rule

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