
by Annette
(Lakewood, WA)

November 18, 1997 to November 12, 2011

November 18, 1997 to November 12, 2011

Rachet was born on November 18, 1997. I had just moved to Washington State from the Japan. I was married at the time and wanted a dog as I grew up with pets and since I was out of the navy I could get my own dog. We looked in the paper and found a mini schnauzer for sale. I remember us scraping up the money to purchase Rachet and I never really knew what a schnauzer was. When we went to look at Rachet I fell in love and we bought him home.

He went to doggie daycare from day 2 of his life with me. He never really liked kids and he was very protective of me even in the end. When he was 3 I got him a playmate "Socket" and they became the best of buddies. Rachet was with me when I went through my divorce and to be honest I never wanted kids cause I never wanted to put my dogs second.

Rachet hated baths as he would cry loudly and I would feel sorry for him and end his bathes all too quickly. Back in March 2011 he suffered a stroke but that stubborn dog pulled through it and I was so thankful.

Rachet was put to sleep on November 12, 2011 exactly one week prior to his 14th birthday. My heart aches not having my buddy here with me. Socket and I are really relying on each other to get through the grief.

I love you Rachet and you will always be in my heart.

Comments for Rachet

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Dec 08, 2011
by: Annette

Well it has almost been a month since Rachet went to the Rainbow Bridge. I still shed tears on a daily basis and miss him so much. I watched his 14th birthday and Thanksgiving come and go but I survived somehow. I did adopt 2 black mini schnauzers "fritz and blitz". They were born on September 2nd. It has been good for Socket. Socket is 11 but has always had the energy of a puppy. I picked up Rachet's ashes and clippings of his hair on the 19th of November. It was like reliving the extreme pain I felt a week earlier. I am trying to get into the holiday spirit but to be honest the pain is still very extreme. Having this site has been helpful to know that other people have the same compassion towards their animals as I do. Thanks

Dec 01, 2011
loss of a friend
by: david

To lose a friend like Rachet is never easy no matter what, so sorry for the loss, had to put my Adam to sleep and it was sorrow and grief I felt for many years, may God give you grace in the your loss

Nov 18, 2011
by: earl & carolyn

as someone who in september 2010 lost my good boy "casper",i can identify with what you are experiencing. our hearts go out to you;

Nov 18, 2011
by: Annette

Today Rachet would have turned 14. I want to thank everyone for making a comment. The pain I feel is pretty intense but luckily I have Socket to help and the caring words from all of you. Thank you.

Nov 17, 2011
I Am Sorry
by: Carrie

My heart hurts with you I lost my Min Schnauzer that was his name he had been with me for 15 years we travel to gether and it was just him and I so my heart do hurt for you Schnauzer has been gone a year now and it is ruff, I did a lot of crying but that is alright. so I have gotten another little boy to help the hurt and it is working out fine his name is Juhani.Rachet will always be in your heart but in time the hurt won't be as bad.

Nov 17, 2011
So Sorry
by: Anna K

I am so sorry for your loss. I had to put my Gus down a year ago and I miss him so much. He left me and his buddy Max and now we have added a new sister, Penny. But he is still very much in my heart. My Gus was only 7, he had lymphoma cancer and was taken way too soon. I rejoice now that he is free of pain and is waiting at Rainbow Bridge with my husband for when we will all be reunited. Remember to thank God for entrusting such a special creature into your care and your memories will live in your heart forever.

Anna, Max and Penny

Nov 17, 2011
by: kim

So sorry to hear about your little buddy having recently losing my schnauzer Mckenzzie in April not a day that goes by i think of her and miss her very much Rachet will always be a in your heart and when i look up in the sky i see the sun shining and bright that reminds me of my kinz always bright and warm thinking of you and sorry to hear about your loss take care God Bless

Nov 17, 2011
Sweet baby
by: Alan

I know you miss your sweet baby

Nov 17, 2011
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry for your loss. Remember the good times and the love and joy he brought to your life. And the comfort that you will see him again one day! Mini schnauzers are the best. Enjoy the time you have with Socket.

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