Our Sweet Angel Lola

by Jen

It's been almost two weeks ago that's our hearts were ripped apart. On 9/29/15 the sweetest, most loving and wonderful little girl was suddenly taken from us. She was so happy and healthy ever since she came to us almost ten years ago. She was checked at the vet a month ago and was fine.

I came home that Tuesday to let her and her Airedale brother out in the backyard. She was excited and went running. A few seconds later I turned and saw her laying on the ground, limp! I raced her to our vet's office but she didn't make it. She died in my car. The vet said it was probably something with her heart. If only we had known that she had something wrong, we would have done anything to prevent this. She had only turned 10 and we expected her to live at least a few more years.

We are so devastated and shocked. How could this happen to our baby girl who was so full of life and energy? You could see the love in her eyes when she looked at you. She was like a real person. She loved being held (like a little koala bear). She would paw at you if you stopped petting her and her little stub would wag so fast when excited to go for walks or play "bally". If you had a bad day or were sick or sad she would lay on you to comfort you. She loved everyone she ever met. Her brother Royce is sad too (even though she bossed him around and would sometimes get in his big bed and he would have to squeeze into her little bed).

Lola, our world will never be the same without you. You were our angel here on earth. Now you are our angel in heaven. Someday we will be together again. Love you forever! 💜

Comments for Our Sweet Angel Lola

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Sep 29, 2017
Missing Lola
by: Jen

It's been 2 years today that you left us. Our hearts are still broken without you. You were the best little girl and will be in our hearts forever! We miss you so much!! All our love, Your family. 💜💔💜

Oct 03, 2016
Missing Lola
by: Jen

Lola, It's hard to believe that a few days ago on September 29 it has been one year since you left us! It was a rainy dreary day, just like that terrible day you collapsed in our back yard. Our hearts are broken more and more each day without you! Royce misses you and doesn't want to be left alone. We all miss and love you so much, our little baby girl!! 💜 Your Family

Sep 29, 2016
Missing Lola
by: Jen

Lola, it's hard to believe it's been one year ago today that you left us! It's a rainy day today too, just like it was that terrible day. Our hearts are broken and we miss you even more each day! We will always love you our sweet baby girl! 💜 Your Family

May 08, 2016
Our Angel
by: Jen

Lola, it's been over 7 months since you left. We still need you with us! We think of you everyday and miss and love you so much!!! 💜 Your Family

Apr 10, 2016
So sorry for your loss
by: Anonymous

So sorry for your loss, she sounds like she was such a good friend. Have solace that she is in heaven now. Waiting for her human companions to play with.

Oct 29, 2015
My sweet baby Lola
by: Jen

It's been a month without my sweet Lo. I miss her so much everyday and think about her constantly. I'm still in a lot of pain daily without Lola.

Words cannot explain how much I love you. I wish I could give you just one more hug and kiss! You are my angel forever and will never be forgotten!💜

Oct 18, 2015
Beautiful girl Lola
by: T

So very sorry for the loss of your sweet girl. I understand how heart broken you are. Lost Joey very suddenly several months ago and still struggle with it. They are family.

What a beautiful girl she is.You and family are in my prayers. I know we will see them again one day. Joey greeted Lola, they are happy, healthy and waiting for us one day. God Bless!

Oct 17, 2015
Thank you
by: Nanette

Thank you, Jen, for your sweet, heartfelt comment on Chloe's page. I can just picture our little Chloe and Lola romping and playing in that wonderful place, healthy and energetic again and doing their "girlie" things. Chloe was such a little sweetie too, barked very little and made the cutest woo-woo sound when she wanted a treat or just to talk to me. Hugs to you Jen.

Oct 15, 2015
by: Wendy

I'm so sorry for the loss you both are experiencing!!' Some people call animals pets however, like you, we call them family. Lola will never be replaced but will always be fondly remembered. Lola will always be a part of your lives in wonderful memories. Cry when you need to but know you are not alone. God bless.

Oct 15, 2015
So sorry
by: Nanette

With tears in my eyes, I just read about your sweet little Lola. I am incredibly sorry for your loss. On April 27, 2015 my precious schnauzer, Chloe Marie, went to Rainbow Bridge. She had just turned 6 years old a month before and was diagnosed with kidney failure on Jan. 23, 2015. I am still very heartbroken. She was my lap-girl and would lay there 24/7 if I let her. I hope that Lola has found Chloe and that they are doing girlie things and having a great time, healthy and well again. Hugs and prayers to you and may your memories of your sweet girl eventually bring you peace.

Oct 13, 2015
My deepest condolences :(
by: Luis Emilio

I'm really sorry for your baby's death. My little dog Luna died the same yours died (September 29th) day due to a longtime kidney problem that finally led her to an uremia so my family sadly decided to put out her pain. She was almost fifteen years old. I cannot express how sad this is, but inside me I feel the deepest sorrow just like you right now. Only time and the good memories can help us get through this awful moment. I know this may not sound relieving, but perhaps your baby didn't have to suffer in the end, differently from my dog who was sick, vomiting and lacking desire to eat and move. I'm sure now both of our babies are out of pain, playing joyfully and guarding us from Heaven. I send you a big hug.

Oct 12, 2015
So sad
by: Jackie

I'm so sorry you lost your Little Lola so suddenly. She does look like a beautiful girl. It's devastating when these beautiful animals pass. My thoughts are with you. Nothing anyone says will remove the pain but she was a lucky girl to have such a wonderful and loving owner and I'm sure she is still wagging her little stump and watching over you. Look after yourself. I'm really sorry.

Oct 12, 2015
Your Sweet Angel
by: Anonymous

So sorry for your loss. She will be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge.

Oct 12, 2015
God Bless you at this time!
by: Schnauzer mom

I am so sorry for your loss. May God wrap his loving arms around you at this time. What a beautiful schnauzer!

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