Our cool Harley

by Carol Taylor
(Brownwood, Texas)

This is our Miniature Schnauzer Harley, he is 3 years old. He has been a part of our family since he was 10 weeks old. Harley has bought so much joy into our family. He is loyal, playful, and loves to go for walks and car rides. He knows if mom puts on shoes that she is going somewhere and tries his best to convince her that he should go as well.

Unfortunately we found out a few months back that Harley is diabetic and must use insulin twice a day, but he is a real trooper. He knows when it is time for his insulin and will position himself in front of mom to receive his shot. He is doing exceptionally well and we expect him to continue to do so =) Our lives wouldn't be the same without Harley!!!

Comments for Our cool Harley

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Sweet Harley
by: Mary Palmieri

Awh poor baby i'm so glad you have caring loving family to take care of you.I know you will give them all the love you can.
My little man Charlie is a harley rider and says he loves your name,later dude!!

by: Tanya

Good luck Harley, dogs and cats r just absolutely amazing . I am so glad that u have a good mommy that takes good care of u. You deserve it. I hope u have many healthy years ahead of u. Stay healthy for your mommy. She needs u in her life. Xoxoxo

Harley is the coolest
by: Aunt Karen

Good luck Harley!

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