Our buddy our only child Otto

by Su Sazama
(Los Angeles)

Otto always finding a pillow to sleep on

Otto always finding a pillow to sleep on

This is my sweet and only child, Otto. We called him Pooh sometimes for his Winnie the Pooh like attitude. Or Automatic, because he was smart and so well trained that he did things automatically. I talked out loud so much that he learned what I was saying, and would react appropriately even though I wasn't talking to him.

Otto spent his whole life by my side. We hiked an hour every morning and then to work where he greeted my customers at my retail store. He loved to walk so much that he knew his walking schedule to the minute, at 6, 11, 3 and 7. If it was time, he would come and tell me with a particular bark.

Otto never complained. He loved whatever I fed him. He loved to swim and if you asked him if he wanted to take a bath, he would run to the bathtub. In his younger years, he would jump right in. He loved the vet, people and all dogs. He never started or entered a fight. He’d snuggle on his own terms and could be stubborn at times when he thought “come” wasn't a necessary command at the moment; but that was probably because he never wandered off or jumped off the curb.

The farthest he went without me is three doors down to the neighbor’s house where they kept their dog toys in a box on the front porch. One day I noticed the front gate open and went down to the sidewalk to see where Otto was. Running towards me was his beautiful black mustache holding a giant red Elmo. He kept looking behind to make sure someone wasn't coming after him. He past me and ran up to the house and into the bed with his stolen toy.

Otto preferred to go somewhere in the car and wait in the car than to stay at home. As long as he could go with me, he was happy. That it is why it is so hard to believe that he is gone. His image is so clear to me where ever I look.

It was lymphoma that took him at 12-3/4 years of age on October 3, 2013. He had been losing weight the past year, but we didn't know he had cancer until a week and half before he died. We made it the best week of his life, spending it outdoors, seeing all his friends and eating steak, peanut butter, cheese and eggs. He must have thought he was already in heaven.

I loved Otto with everything I had, because he kept giving it back. He was the third person in our household who will forever be missed. It has taken me a while to get there, but I can see now that I was the luckiest person alive to have had such profound love for 12-3/4 years of my life. We miss you buddy.

Comments for Our buddy our only child Otto

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Dec 28, 2013
A Big Thank You T All
by: su

Your kind and thoughtful words have given me such strength. To know that so many people understand my grief and take the time to write and support someone they don't even know, is heart warming. thank you, thank you.

Dec 12, 2013
Deepest Sympathy
by: Suz

Such a loss. Love the photo of your Otto. Looks like such a sweetheart. May you always have your memories of such a wonderful companion and friend.

Dec 11, 2013
So sorry for your loss
by: Karen & Daisy

There are no words to ease the pain. I know that your puppy was as lucky to have you as you were to have Otto. Losing your sweet friend is so very hard. May each day be full of memories and love remembered and stored forever in your heart.

Dec 11, 2013
by: Anonymous

There is no one or nothing as special as that little fellow was to you. He will be with you at your side forever. You may not see him, but he will always be there. I am so grateful I am able to see my little fellow. I know your loss. May God bless you.

Dec 11, 2013
So sorry for the loss of your furbaby, Otto
by: Anonymous

I lost my first schnauzer, Reggie to Lymphoma too. He was diagnosed 2 weeks before his 2nd birthday. We fought it with everything we had for 6 mos, but we still lost him. I know how much you are hurting they move into our hearts! Know that you will see him again and treasure your happy memories. God Bless!

Dec 11, 2013
Love for Otto
by: Cheryl

I am sorry to hear of your loss of such a special buddy. Most people are not blessed to have such a special dog such as him in their lifetime. I'm glad your life was. Although you will never replace you little one, I hope someday you will choose to open your heart and love another dog. A loyal love such as yours should never be without a dog to share it with. Time will heal your heart and you will look back and remember your good memories of him.

Dec 11, 2013
He lives on in your Memories
by: Phil Medway

Two year ago we lost our beloved Max and Meg after thirteen wonderful years of their constant company. I have photographs of them in my screen saver and still say hello to them every time their picture comes up. After six months we finally realised the best thing to do was to get two more Schnauzers, they are not replacements they are much loved individuals with their own characters. So cherish all those great years with Otto but somewhere there is another loving Schnauzer waiting for you.

Dec 11, 2013
So sorry
by: Anonymous

My heart breaks for you as have been down the path you now must face. Otto knows how much you love him and he is watching over you. You were truly blessed to such an amazing boy. Prayers to you and your family as you deal with your loss.

Dec 11, 2013
Sweet Otto
by: Anonymous

Otto sounds like a perfect boy! Cherish the sweet memories! Right after I lost my precious boy, I wrote down fun things about him so I wouldn't forget them. They still make me smile. Heartfelt sympathy on your loss.

Dec 11, 2013
Sweet Boy
by: Anonymous

What a sweet boy hold on to the memories and I"m sure in time there will be another schnauzer to share the love with. Our Schnauzer too is our only child and can only imagine what you are going through. May you be comforted by his sweet memory you both were blessed to have each other.

Dec 11, 2013
by: bill

How lucky you were to have Otto in your life. Our pets, especially our puppy schnauzers teach us many of life's lessons on our journey of life together.

Dec 11, 2013
by: Anonymous

What a wonderful tribute you paid to your pup! Words cannot express the sadness you must be feeling. He was so lucky to have had YOU to share his life with each day in that special way. While you will never replace him, I'm sure he would want you to extend the love you had for him to another. You gave your best and so did he. May you find peace in your time of grieving and enough love to share with another pup needing love.

You are an awesome pet parent. My heart goes out to you and your family.


Dec 11, 2013
I know your pain
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost my sweet Lucy and know your pain. Enjoy the memories and keep photos. It helped me. Soon down the road, you will find another schnauzer soul to love again. It will never be the same but you will love and live again. It has been almost 2 years now since Lucy passed and I now have 2 sweet babies. Keeping you in my prayers, Carolyn, Buddy and Holly

Dec 10, 2013
RIP Dear Otto
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

I can feel the pain as i have travelled your path too.. Such special love and affection from them, cannot be replaced. They will live in our hearts for ever.

I lost my sasha in a days time due to baldder cancer. Always wished if we had a week together it would have made such a difference. we would habe sort of prepared. Loosing her in a day just blew my family. But we are getting there.
Consoling that it was best for her.

Time will heal us...

Dear Otto will be playing with my Darling baby Sasha in the Rainbow Bridge.
We will meet them again.

Sending you lots of love..

Dec 10, 2013
So sorry
by: Anonymous

I lost my Gus at age 7 1/2 to lymphoma and I feel your pain. You were so fortunate to have had him for so long. They are truly remarkable creatures and are a part of the family. Give thanks to God for entrusting such a special creature into your care.

Anna, Max and Penny

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