Our 'big lad' Timmy

by Timmy's family
(Accrington, UK)

Our bonny, brave boy.x

Our bonny, brave boy.x

We lost a very special member of our family yesterday. Timmy was 8 years old and had Lymphoma. We only felt the lump New Years day his 8th birthday. What we did not expect was how quick it would take him (within 3 weeks).

As you know, Schnauzer's have the most telling of expressions and we knew but the void in our life is now huge. I am lost, we keep looking where he should be. Our daughter asks where he is, she is 4 and we say he is a star in the sky.

I am trying to think of all the fun we had, camping holidays and he loved the snow! Apart from when too much stuck to his legs and he couldn't move! But at the moment I keep breaking down.

He was a loved dog by all, 'mummy's bonny boy' 'daddy's lad'. We were a family, and still are he is just somewhere else, being cheeky. I know it will get easier, I just don't know when, I want to hold him and listen to his little grunts talking back.

To everyone who has lost their pet, we have been blessed. Time is the healer and memories are forever. RIP TT.xxx

Comments for Our 'big lad' Timmy

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Jul 06, 2013
Peppers mam
by: Julie

I had a few days with my big boy after a lump was removed off his shoulder.i am in deep shock and can't live with out him in my life , he was an angel sent by god . I feel your pain I just hope it gets easy

Jan 25, 2013
Thank you
by: Timmy's family

Thank you for your comments, they really have meant so much. He left his footprints in the snow and I think now he is back home, the snow is falling again to cover them up. Which makes me smile.xx

Jan 24, 2013
The holes in our hearts.
by: Cathy

They leave such a hole in your heart, don't they? I'm on schnauzers 14 & 15. And each loss makes you want to double over. But it passes with time and the next one makes each previous hole alittle smaller.

Jan 24, 2013
So sad
by: Chris & Chrissy

We are so sorry for your loss and feel for you.
We have a Schnauzer from a recue place in Sussex, we had dogs before and know the unbearable pain of losing a much loved dog.
We hope in time you can focus on the good times spent with your lovely looking boy. He looked well loved.j

Jan 24, 2013
So sad
by: Chris & Chrissy

We are so sorry for your loss and feel for you.
We have a Schnauzer from a recue place in Sussex, we had dogs before and know the unbearable pain of losing a much loved dog.
We hope in time you can focus on the good times spent with your lovely looking boy. He looked well loved.j

Jan 24, 2013
by: Anonymous

Timmy was the sweetes Schnauzer you would ever meet..I have his mummy Chloe and his sister mimi with me here in Ireland and when I look at them it breaks my heart for what his / family are going through..I have now said goodbye to him for the last time but the thought of him standing at the rainbow bridge makes me smile..the thought is lovely..I wished I lived closer to timmys family so that icould try and ease their pain by seeing how he lives on through his mum and sister...8 years went so quick and unfortunetly like ourselves they don't live forever....you will be missed so much and most definitely never forgotten..rip namot emerald lad.xxxxxx.

Jan 24, 2013
So sorry
by: Joan

So sorry to hear this, you must be heartbroken I know I would be if I lost my little man. It is true that it gets easier but our thoughts are with you.CATTLE

Jan 24, 2013
So sorry
by: Joan

So sorry to hear this, you must be heartbroken I know I would be if I lost my little man. It is true that it gets easier but our thoughts are with you.CATTLE

Jan 24, 2013
The Loss never fully goes away
by: Anonymous

We lost our 13 year old boy Max last March, you can see him in the story Max the Sausage dog. I have several pictures of him in my family screen saver album and yes I still talk to him when his photos come up. We have a white Max now who we also love dearly but Max the Sausage dog will never leave our hearts.

Jan 23, 2013
Counting my blessings
by: Anonymous

Reading your story makes me squeeze my Bella
a little tighter and count my blessings for every day I get with her. So sorry for your loss :,(

Jan 23, 2013
Rainbow Bridge
by: Linda

Timmy is at the rainbow bridge waiting for you to come and get him n your time. he's playing with the other animals, warm, happy, fed, painfree. he will see you coming and make his way quickly to you. just know that you will see him again, and never be parted again.

Jan 23, 2013
So sorry
by: Anna K

I lost my Gus to lymphoma 2 years ago and he was only 8. They are such special creatures and I thank God that he thought us worthy enough to have Gus with us. We will meet again as you will too at Rainbow Bridge.

Anna, Max and Penny

Jan 23, 2013
Passing of Timmy
by: Robin

My deepest sympathies on the passing of your beloved Timmy.... Schnauzers are so special and loyal friends it is really hard to be without them. I know when I lost my one schnauzer who was 16 years old when he passed I was completely devastated , it was like losing one of my own children. It has been a little over 8 years now and not a day goes by that I do not think about him and miss him.
We have got another schnauzer within a few weeks after the passing of our beloved Whiskey. He too is an 8 year old mini named Bowzer, he provides so much love and enjoyment.
Once again I want to express how sorry I am for your loss.

Jan 23, 2013
by: Steve

My sincere condolences. There's a story about a boys dog having to be put down due to illness & the boy says something to the effect of God puts everyone here to live a good life and be happy. dogs already know how to do that so they don't have to stay as long. I know what you mean about their being family.

Jan 23, 2013
by: Anonymous

So very sorry for your loss. I hope that time will help heal your grief. X

Jan 23, 2013
by: Anonymous

So very sorry for your loss. I hope that time will help heal your grief. X

Jan 23, 2013
by: Traci

So sorry for your loss- dont know what i would do without my sweet girl Sookie. Cant and dont want to imagine it.
Nothing like the love our schnauzers give us- unconditional silly love. My heartfelt condolences to you .

Jan 23, 2013
by: Traci

So sorry for your loss- dont know what i would do without my sweet girl Sookie. Cant and dont want to imagine it.
Nothing like the love our schnauzers give us- unconditional silly love. My heartfelt condolences to you .

Jan 23, 2013
So sad
by: Chaco_kid

I understand. I lost my Misty girl this last year & there are still days when it is crushing. My 2 new rescue girls have helped beyond measure, along with some sweet foster souls. I'm sure my girl would be quite happy to meet and hang with Timmy. My love to you & your family. When you're ready another sweet schnauzer spirit will be waiting for you.

Jan 23, 2013
It's understood...
by: Gean from Texas

I am grieving with you at the loss of your sweet boy. We also lost our sweet Keller at the age of nine after diabetes ravaged her little body. We have another schnauzer, Arlo, and she got me through the loss as best she could. We rescued bevo after about a year and what inseparable friends they are. It is true they are as human as an animal can possibly be.
Time does heal, and each schnauzer will always hold their own place in your heart. I do encourage you to rescue as soon as possible, it will help you and your entire family heal. Hugs from the heart of Texas!

Jan 23, 2013
RIP Timmy
by: Jackie

I'm so sorry for your loss! Little Timmy looks like he was a very sweet boy- my thoughts go out to you and your family. For everyone who has a schnauzer - I think we are blessed to have even experienced the joy that comes into our lives through our little friends!

Jan 23, 2013
Sorry for your loss!
by: Barbara

I am so sorry for your loss! We loss our first Schnauzer,Topper, almost 9 years ago. He was 14, and the best dog ever. He had cancer and didn't last long after the diagnosis. We felt like our hearts had been ripped out through our throats. My husband was also sick at the time and he pleaded with me to get another dog.
Two months later we had our second Schnazuer, Taz. Except for her running away every chance she got she was the second best dog ever! Two years later when my husband passed I was so thankful I had Taz she helped me through so much. She was my husband's dog, she never left his side. A few months after my husband passed she became quiet and didn't want to go for walks and didn't really want treats, and wouldn't play. Our vet said she was grieving and I should get a puppy for her. He said it would help us both.
So home came our third Schnauzer, Blaze. He is the biggest baby ever!! Taz and I both spoiled him, loved him but spoiled him. This past summer my Tazzie girl got sick, cancer. With the help of steriods we had her for two months longer to love her and say good-bye. She was 11. I was so glad to have Blaze. Having him made the hurt of losing her a little easier. He now won't play, and keeps chewing his feet. Again, our vet has suggested a puppy. We haven't got one yet as this time I'm looking for a rescue Schnauzer to give him/her a furever home.
I strongly suggest you get another Schnauzer to help with the loss of your Timmy. Getting another dog lets everyone know that Timmy was a good dog and you want to experience that again. Timmy will always be apart of your family, he lives on in your memories.

Jan 23, 2013
by: maxine

That has just had me in tears, I have dennis which my husband got him me as a surprise when i took 2 months of work to look after my poorly Dad who lived with us. Dennis helped me so much, lost my dad but gained dennis who I could not live without, so your tale of Timmy I understand completly. so sad thinking of you.

Jan 23, 2013
So sorry!
by: Jane

Isn't it that they leave such a void in your life when they are gone...it's so heart breaking! Save one...rescue one that needs a good home! Bless your hearts...
From Texas, USA

Jan 23, 2013
So sorry for your loss
by: Anonymous

My heart goes out to you and your family on the premature loss of your dear baby. I have two Schnauzers. They are both rescues and the oldest one is 8. They are my loves as I know yours was too. Take solace in the years you had with him and the wonderful memories. Don't wait too long to go out and rescue another wonderful baby for your family. All the best- Glenda

Jan 23, 2013
by: Cheryl

I'm so sorry for your loss. =( What a beautiful boy!

Jan 23, 2013
RIP at the Rainbow Bridge
by: Cindi Dejnozka

Being involved with Schnauzer Rescue and a wonderful group of individuals who are dedicated to helping these very special creatures, we too, have lost several in the past few months, both fosters and our own pets. It is never easy but they certainly do leave their pawprint on our hearts when they leave. RIP sweet boy at the bridge and play like you have never played before. Look for Rommel and Holly. They have been there for a few years now and I'm sure they will introduce you around. So sorry for your loss.

Jan 23, 2013
So Sorry for your Loss of a dear family member
by: melanie Layne

:( So sorry for your loss.I never knew Timmy but I too have a pet Schnauzer she is six and I can only imagine the pain and loss you ust feel right now it is my prayers for your heart to see through it!XXXO

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