Our best friend Luke

by Letecia

Our best friend Luke

Our best friend Luke

Luke was our kid. He never met a stranger. He was always ready to play and gave lots of hugs and kisses. Luke was a smart boy; he learned lots of words and kept us on schedule.

His favorite things included playing with his stuffed toy, getting the mail, and keeping the geese out of the yard. He also liked riding in the car, not doggie style, head out the window, but always snoozing in his bed in the back seat.

Luke passed away on December 28, 2015. He was sick with pancreatitis. He was 5 years old. Tomorrow (Jan. 18th) is his birthday. We miss him so much and wanted to share his story with fellow schnauzer lovers. RIP Luke. We will always remember our times together.

Comments for Our best friend Luke

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Jan 18, 2016
by: Anonymous

So sorry for your loss. We lost out little girl Sunshine this past summer. This is the first time I could look at the page with all the little Schnauzers. I have to remember to have gratitude for the time our little Sunshine was with us. She was our little girl. She passed away with kidney failure from meds she was taking for her leaking hear valve.

Jan 18, 2016
by: T St Louis

So sorry for your loss. Understand the grief you feel. Lost my Joey boy to cancer several months ago. Miss him so. Luke was a handsome boy. They are so smart and become valued members of our families. I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

Jan 18, 2016
So Sorry
by: Anonymous

My condolences to you on the loss of Luke. I understand the heartache. We lost our beloved Midnight 2/15 to kidney failure. We were in shock because we had to say goodbye a week later. He was 8 yo & we were devastated. Then in June 2015 we lost our beloved Bailey. She had CHF and lived a year after her diagnosis. We had the pleasure of having her in our lives for 14 yrs. I think about them everyday especially since the 1 yr anniversary of Midnight's passing is next month. But there is a brighter light as we welcomed Oakley into our lives in July 2015. We were planning on getting another one before Bailey passed. He fit right in from the moment we got him. He's now 8 months old and boy he's a character. I'm sure Luke is running with Midnight & Bailey.

Jan 18, 2016
by: Barbara

Sorry for the very sad loss of your beloved Luke :-)xx

Jan 18, 2016
by: Anonymous

So sorry for the loss of Luke, he is so cute.... I am on my second schnauzer, my first I had for 17yrs and the one now I have will be 10 in april. I feel very lucky ....they are so smart. I know how hard it is because they are family.

Jan 18, 2016
by: JackieAnonymous

So sad. Luke was a very handsome boy. There is a book "Cold Noses at the Pearly Gates" by Gary Kurz. When my precious Bailey passed it gave me comfort. You can get it on Amazon.

Jan 18, 2016
So sorry
by: France's Main

I am so sorry to hear your sad news as l have a schnauzer called Archie and when he is not well l get quite upset,. You did not get very long with your Schnauzer but l do hope the time you had was good and given time you will be able to look back and smile and remember the good times.

Jan 18, 2016
Schnauzers rule
by: Kathy

So sorry for your loss. They do become our kids. I love Schnauzers as their personality are so great. We have had 4. This one is the most unique yet. He really thinks he's human. He throws balls, talks like we should understand. We have been fortunate to have ours live pretty long lives. RIP Luke.

Jan 18, 2016
Our Thoughts Are With You
by: Steve and Lena

What a sweet face. So sorry for your loss. Ten years ago my lovely wife talked me into getting a dog. We now have two schnauzers. Bette is our first. I know someday I will say goodbye to her and be filled with grief. I try to cherish every day we have together, and believe the countless happy memories will somehow sustain me. Luke, you are missed. RIP, you fine fellow.

Jan 17, 2016
So very sorry
by: Nanette

I'm so very, very sorry for your loss of your precious boy Luke. I know what you are feeling. Our sweet schnauzer, Chloe Marie, went to Rainbow Bridge April 27, 2015. She was diagnosed with kidney failure on Jan. 23, 2015 and she turned 6 yrs. old on Mar. 31. It is so hard to understand why when they are still young. I am angry that my little girl couldn't live a long life. My heart just breaks for you but just know that they are in a good place, no longer sick and having a great time with their new little fur-friends and I think we will see them again. This is what helps me to accept it. Sending hugs and prayers to you.

Jan 17, 2016
I'm very sorry for your loss
by: Anonymous

Not many Schnauzers owners know how delicate the pancreas is too high fat diet. Don't be sad he was loved. I feel with you in your pain and loss.

Seek a reputable breeder.

We'll be togeteher over the rainbow

Jan 17, 2016
I love schnauzers!
by: Donna Vaughn

I am so sorry for your loss. My little guy Livingston turned 16 years old last October. he is having some health problems so I know that the time to let go is coming.

When we first got him it was like we had always had him. Schnauzers are very special. Only those who have had one knows what I'm talking about.

My Condolences, Donna

Jan 17, 2016
You're in my thoughts and prayers
by: Loretta

I understand your pain. Only animals lovers understand the loss of a fur baby. They are a part of of our famililies. This site has been so helpful for me since I lost my Kipper 5-23-15 due to an inoperable spinal tumor.
It hurts so much because they gave us so much love. Thank God for our memories.

Jan 17, 2016
So sorry
by: Terri

I lost my best bud in December of 2012 and I was heartbroken 😢 I still miss him everyday and have many awesome happy memories 😊 I send my condolences and pray you get through this rough time 🙏🏻

Jan 17, 2016
So sorry
by: Jann

I had two Schnauzzies die with Pancreitis.....it's a horrid disease and seems to plaque many Schnauzers....
I lost my beloved Puppers 11 years ago and although 11 years later we have a darling little Yorkie we love dearly.....
I will never ever forget the love and adornment I had for my Puppers. I miss her everyday....she was 15 and full
Of that horrid disease.....I am so truly sorry for your loss and you pain......keeping you close to heart always.

Jan 17, 2016
Thank you all
by: Letecia

Thank you all for your kind words and well wishes. @Lisa, we aren't sure why Luke's pancreatitis was so severe. Schnauzers are prone to the illness, and some don't recover. We didn't follow up with our vet or investigate why. Again, thanks for your comments.

Jan 17, 2016
So sorry for your loss
by: Jo Ann

I am so sorry about your precious Luke. We have two schnauzers currently and one of them, Rudy, has chronic pancreatitis. He is 14 now, and we have been able to manage it, but it is painful for them when it flares up. I also had another schnauzer who died from it also at 8 years old. This breed is very prone to it so unfortunately. Please accept my condolences over the loss of your baby. It is so difficult to lose them....<3

Jan 17, 2016
by: Lily

All our Schnauzer family is very sorry to read about Luke
However we know that a new Schnauzer Angel is watching you from a Star in the sky.
With Love
Jossh, Lily, Kyara & Ahren

Jan 17, 2016
My beautiful mini-schnauzer Brandy!!
by: Anonymous

Soo sorry for loosing your adorable, Luke.
My mini-schnauzer just turned 16 on Jan 13 &has had bouts of pancreatitis as well. I pray each day that she'll make it through this year....Brandy has been my constant companion since she was 10 weeks old...& has been through thick &thin!!

Jan 17, 2016
Beautiful Boy
by: Alisa

Luke looks like he was a beauty.

Jan 17, 2016
Rainbow Bridge
by: Dave Boulton

I am so sorry to hear about your Luke going over the Rainbow Bridge. I'm sure he is playing with my Miniature Schnauzer, Toto. I know your grief. Please accept my sincerest sympathy. We WILL see them again when we cross that Bridge.

Jan 17, 2016

Pancreatitis is a horrible condition and I am so sorry for your loss! And I believe you will see him agaio at the bridge!

Jan 17, 2016
Spread your wings and soar...
by: Kay Waters

Free from pain, but leaving behind family and friends who will miss you forever. God gave us the gift of Love in many different forms...

Jan 17, 2016
So sorry on your loss.
by: Anonymous

Your best friend will always be with you in your heart and memories.

Jan 17, 2016
by: D'Ann

So sorry for your loss. Our Sofie is just 1 year old but she too is our baby. We lost our Madison to about bull attack about 18 months ago. I'm crazy in love with Sofie but idk if I will ever get over the loss of Madison. I know it is so hard. RIP Luke.

Jan 17, 2016
Loss is hard
by: Anonymous

Sorry for your loss. We losses our love, Ripken this week. It's never easy letting go and finding the strength to let them go and keep from being selfish to keep them around. Thoughts and prayers for you.

Jan 17, 2016
My sympathy.....
by: Lynette Langhamer

I am so very sorry! My Heidi recently had pancreatitis. She was in the hospital for 6 days on iv's. I honestly thought she wouldn't make it. She did...but I so want to learn how to prevent it if possible.
You sincerely have my sympathy.
God Bless you...

Jan 17, 2016
Condolence for Luke
by: Sharon Barnett

My sincere condolences.
May God comfort you with His peace and strength, and the love of family and friends sustain you in this difficult time.

the Rainbow Bridge

Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.

When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge.
There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together.
There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.

All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor; those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by.
The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.

They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent; His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.

You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.

Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....

Author unknown...

Jan 17, 2016
by: Anonymous

It is so hard to lose them, my heart goes out to you

Jan 17, 2016
so sorry
by: toni Anderson

My heart is breaking for you. We also lost a schnauzer boy with pancreatitis. I'm so sorry...yours was so young. The only think wrong with animals is that they don't live long enough.
Big hugs to you all..

Jan 17, 2016
by: Donnie

So sorry for the passing of Luke. Rowdy is our first schnauzer. He will be 4 in June. He is a ray of sunshine. Its hard to imagine your cloudy days. Best of luck to you!

Jan 17, 2016
So young
by: Lisa

Bless Luke's little heart. Mine have had pancreatitis in the past but have gotten over it pretty easily. What happened that his was so severe?

Jan 17, 2016
RIP Luke
by: Lindsay

My thoughts are with you during this extremely difficult and heartbreaking time. Everyday will get a little easier. You will forever have the memories you made with him.

Jan 17, 2016
by: Anonymous

Hope you get another Schnauzer soon.

Jan 17, 2016
by: Anonymous

RIP. What a lovely boy!! My condolences.

Jan 17, 2016
by: DeeDee C.

So, so sorry to hear about Luke. I know the love you had (and still have) for Luke as we share the same love for our Jack (4 years old). Our prayers are with you as you heal from your loss.

Jan 17, 2016
So sorry for your loss
by: Jude

So sorry for your loss i know how you must be feeling I lost my boy a year ago he was also 5 yrs old and had been in kidney failure from 2yrs old its devastating they are family members such a loving breed thoughts are with you xxx

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