Nipping dog

by Kelly Green
(Cleburne, TX)

Baxter is newest member of our family. He is sort of a rescue pup. Not exactly sure of his age, the vet said at that time he was less than 6 months old. He was in a bad home, neglected for the most part. Just from researching, I believe he was taken from his mom too early and then left alone most of the time. His social skills are improving so much since we brought him home.

I need help or advice. He is very attached to me. He is crated when I leave with our 2 other dogs. When I let him out he is happy to see me. But he jumps up and nips at me or chases along behind me nipping. Sometimes he gets my shirt and then sometimes he makes contact with my person! How can I stop this behavior without causing him to lose trust in me?

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by: Anonymous

my coal will talk to me then he yodels i didn't know other dogs besides hounds could make that noise it can be irritating but he is just like having a toddler around the house he is 10 years old he loves gizzy my boston terrier and can dance on his hind legs for a treat he loves gizzy my sons boston terrier they are joined at the hip it seems gizzy who is 11 years old grooms him like a puppy but he is a boy so i wouldn't think its a mother pup thing they are both rescue dogs i live alone with two crazies while my son is in college and what great company. coal has been known to jump on the counter and bring treats down to share with gizzy. when we first got coal he would open the bottom cabinet put child locks on cupboards and we have been able to take them off now i think he was maybe keeping food because i don't know what environment he came from he was about 5 when he came to open cupboards and help himself to whatever i would come home to a disaster

Nipping dog
by: Kelly Green

I just wanted to check back in with everyone about Baxter. He is getting better more and more each day. We did stop the rough housing and the nipping has drastically improved. I groom him myself & now I don't even need a leash. He doesn't object at all. The blow dryer doesn't even alarm him. He does great with my 17 month old grandson. We have had him for 6 months now by the time September comes back around hopefully we can report that all of the nipping will be in the past.

Nipping dog
by: Kelly Green

I just wanted to check back in with everyone about Baxter. He is getting better more and more each day. We did stop the rough housing and the nipping has drastically improved. I groom him myself & now I don't even need a leash. He doesn't object at all. The blow dryer doesn't even alarm him. He does great with my 17 month old grandson. We have had him for 6 months now by the time September comes back around hopefully we can report that all of the nipping will be in the past.

next door schnauzers is a mean punk
by: Anonymous

He is a very good looking dog, but has from day one sneaks up behind you and takes a bite out of you. Very irritating . Even when on a leash he attacks aggressively anyone who walks by. He has the nastiest bark, like he is just a plain bully. His owner does nothing. Now he has seriously bitten a neighbor, she had to go to the doctor. It's not funny or cute to us who live close by. Is this common for a 1 year old dog to behave so aggressively? He gets walked three times a day by his owner, an she takes very good care of him, but his attitude seems to be reflecting his not to friendly owner. Is that common?

by: Anonymous

I had the sane trouble with my Evie, and for the same reason. 1) I stopped playing tug of war and other rough housing type games. 2) I learned to approach her crate in a calm manner so as not to excite her. I'd put her leash on her and walk her. We also played ball. I wanted to tire her out a bit. 3) I also put her in a puppy timeout every time she got nipping by putting her in her crate every single time. She only had to be in a timeout for 2 or 3 minutes. I will admit it was exhausting at first. I'd no sooner let her out, and I'd have to out her right back it. It paid off. She's 18 mos now and no more biting. I still don't rough house with her.

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