My sweet Mardi

by Verla

My sweet Mardi

My sweet Mardi

My sweet Mardi, I miss you so much. You were so brave, you fought your diabetes and atypical Cushings for 3 years. You never resented or feared any of the things we had to do to you. Even when you lost your sight you were brave. When we had your surgery to restore your sight the vet told us what a special dog your were, we already knew that.

You were the king of the other dogs, ruling with gentleness and authority. Your carriage told the other dogs you were the boss. You were so loving to us. You asked for your kisses, but you did boss us as well. Lol. You told us when to eat, play, sleep, even when it was time for your meds. You were the best.

Finally your age did you in. At 15 I knew our time was drawing to a close. But up to the end you kept your youthful appearance and looked great. Many times the vet thought you were not going to make it, but just like the energizer bunny, you kept right on and returned to good health. But alas we can't outrun the clock.

The hardest day was the day I had to take you to the bridge. I know you are playing and waiting on me. One day you will hear a sound and it will be me running to hold you again. I love you and miss you sweet Mardi.

Comments for My sweet Mardi

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Sep 07, 2014
Thoughts are with you
by: Bernadette Kissel

I am so sorry for your loss. Your brave dog reflected all the love and caring you provided! He will live forever in your heart and will always be missed.

I know I will soon be missing our brave schnauzer who defies vets and rational thinking. Here's to all the wonderful dogs who stay strong against the odds.

I am so sorry that you lost such a wonderful family member.

Sep 07, 2014
Sweet Mardi....
by: Sasha's mum Anjali

What a gorgeous boy he was... very smart...
You have done THE best for him and he appreciated every bit of it...

Take care and look after yourself.
He is your Guardian angel looking at you and protecting you, just the way he was here on earth with you...

Sending you love and prayers

Sep 07, 2014
Deepest sympathy in the loss of Mardi
by: Tanya

I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Mardi. I just had to put mine down two weeks ago. Her heart gave out on her. She was only 12. I wanted to have her until she was 16, but it was not to be.
Prayers are with you in your loss. Just know that others are in the same situation and we truly understand! Much love and thoughts of you in your loss!

Sep 07, 2014
Beautiful boy
by: Jackie

You gave your dog a wonderful life and he loves you for it. The hole in your heart that he has left will always be there but you'll one day love another beautiful dog like him and give him a great life. Thinking of you and your loss.

Sep 07, 2014
by: Natalie

So sorry for your loss. Sweet Mardi is with other angels.

Sep 07, 2014
by: Anonymous

words simply cannot express the sorrow i feel for your loss;what wonderful creatures dogs are .....i too,have taken beloved companions to the bridge,and if there are no dogs in heaven,then i want to go where the dogs are;
somewhere there is another companion ,perhaps needing to be rescued,that will find you ............ they do you know ......... find you;
my sincerest condolences;

Sep 07, 2014
I am so sorry
by: Sonya

I am sorry for your loss, I have one of my kids that is 8 and he is starting to have health issues and I know one day I will have to make that horrible decision. I am sure that it was hard with Mardi and you know that they are in a better place now and out of pain. You will see Mardi again and they will be happy and playful and will be running with your family and your other dogs waiting for you.

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