My Sweet Angel Lulu

by Kristy Womack
(Monticello, Georgia )

We got our sweet Lulu when she was about 12 weeks old. We were coming to someone's house to get a white one, but as soon as we saw Lulu, which was salt and pepper, we knew she was the perfect one for us. She reminded us of a flower child. Her personality was like no other. She was spoiled from the second we brought her home. Her eyes were what had us from hello. She had the sweetest eyes. She was a very special girl. I don't think a day went by that she didn't make us laugh somehow. She had little quirks that were weird but in a funny good way. She slept with us every night. Anytime I was sick, she'd be right there with me, like she knew. She was always my girl, but she was even more of a daddy's girl a lot if times. She brought a lot of happiness to us in the 6 1/2 years we had her. I personally never knew I could love an animal as much as I love my Lulu. We lost her Sunday, February 18th, 2017, not even a week ago. She was fine one day, and the next morning there was blood everywhere. We were told it was most likely hook worms and to get the meds for her and she'd be fine. She wasn't. We ended up taking her to an emergency vet hospital. They told us it was gastritis and that she wasn't critical and it wasn't life threatening. They gave her fluids and some other meds and said if we took her home and continued her meds, she'd be ok. She wasn't. 20 minutes after we left she started having seizures which has never happened. We took her right back to the hospital and within minutes she died. We were in such shock. I felt like I was having a heart attack. I still feel like I'm having a heart attack. I still cannot believe she's gone. We had a 45 minute ride home. I was holding my sweet Lulu, dead, her eyes staring right at me. I have so many feelings still all at the same time. Shock, sadness, anger, guilt, so many feelings and I don't understand why it's not getting easier. My sweet Husband bought me a new baby mini schnauzer to help me deal with it and she's definitely helping me handle it better but so far, every second that's went by since Lulu died has been so hard and some family n friends think I'm being ridiculous or dramatic I'm sure, but I hope and pray that none of them ever have to feel what I have felt this entire time. I feel as if these feelings will never ease off. It's scary. I can't hardly eat. I'm barely sleeping. I just don't know what to do or how to handle it. I feel like a crazy person. I keep praying asking God to please take at least some of the pain and sadness away or to help me understand why it happened just out of nowhere. I need some kind of relief. She was the best little girl we've ever had. Perfect in every way. I miss her so bad. I hope and pray that she knew how much she was loved and how much she meant to us. I hope and pray that she wasn't wondering why I couldn't save her or make her better. I feel like I let her down. It's already hard to handle when you have an old dog that you kind of expect could go at anytime, but when have one that's not old and is fine one day and gone the next, it's indescribable.

Comments for My Sweet Angel Lulu

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Dec 05, 2017
Mrs. Robinson
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry for your loss Mrs.Robinson.I pray for some kind of relief for you. It's been 10 months since my sweet girl passed away and I still think of her every single day, several times. I still have her picture as my screen saver on my phone. It will get easier with time, and my new mini schnauzer has helped a great deal but you'll always remember them.Please don't feel guilty.I'm sure your baby knew he was loved!It's just something that is unfortunately out if our control when it happens but it kills a piece if our hearts either way. I'll be praying for you. ♡

Nov 20, 2017
I know your pain
by: Ms Robinson

I’m so sorry for your loss. I recently posted my story about my baby boy Blue. Reading your story gave me confirmation that I’m not alone with this extreme pain and guilt. My baby left me 3 days ago and I feel like I’m in a zombie state. He was my baby and I feel like I failed him. People don’t understand this feeling and it’s frustrating to be told "you’ll get over it". I know your pain and my baby also passed from gastrointestinal disease. We feel like if we’d known or acted sooner our babies would be here. I pray for healing and peace for us all.

Mar 26, 2017
Your sweet Lulu
by: Maritza (Miramar , Fl)

I am so sorry for your loss. Your reactions are normal. Lulu was your family member. It is so traumatic when they are taken from us so quickly. Your pain will ease with time. Lulu is near you helping you with your pain I believe. I believe their spirit is always around us. You are very lucky to have a new family member enter your heart. Luly is playing with my Whisker and Leah as well in heaven. I also lost both my dogs a week apart last year. It has been very hard being without them. You are not being dramatic, I too feel their loss everyday. It will be one year on the 28 of March and April 4 that I lost my best friends. I hope I have helped you in a small way.

Mar 26, 2017
Your Beautiful Girl
by: Jen

I am so very sorry to read about the loss of your sweet angel Lulu! What a beautiful girl! She reminds me of our sweet Lola who left us suddenly 9/29/15. It is such a shock when they are fine and then suddenly they're gone! At six and a half this is something you would never expect. I know exactly what you are going thru because we felt the same way about our special little girl and my heart breaks for you! They truly are an angel to us. Sending you prayers and hugs!!! 💜💜💜

Mar 22, 2017
Thank you! :)
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for your sweet comments! I appreciate it more than you know. I'm still having a hard time, but mostly at night when everything is quiet, or when I think about that night that it happened. I'm so orry for the loss of your Joey and I believe the same as you do, that we'll certainly see them again!

Mar 10, 2017
Sweet angel Lulu
by: T St Louis

I'm so very sorry for the loss of your pretty girl. All of us here understand how you feel. It's grief for the loss of a beloved family member and I certainly understand it. Please don't blame yourself.

It is obvious that Lulu knew she was loved very much. Little mini's are such special little family members, almost human. I believe we will be with them again one day. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. I know how difficult it is. I'm glad you have another little bundle of mini joy. Don't feel guilty, she is not replacing Lulu, but expanding your love for Lulu and in her honor.

Lulu was met by my sweet Joey boy and all the others we have loved that have gone on before us. My heart hurts for you. Take care, hugs for you. T. St Louis

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