My Shadow Ghost

by LouAnn Albert
(Richmond, VA)

I lost my shadow Ghost on Friday 13th. He was a very sweet and lovable little boy. I couldn't go any where with out him, go hang out laundry he would lay and watch me then follow back into the house, go check the mail & he was right there. We would sit in the yard together and play. He had a wonderful personality he ruled the house. He was a comic we were always laughing, even when watching the TV he would act up, so we would watch him instead of the movie and miss the best part because we rather watch him.

I miss him snuggling with me at night. In the morning he would get up on the sofa and back up to sit on my husbands lap. He needed a pillow, your foot, or your lap to sit on not on the floor.

He loved our country place, he would run and play until he fell out he loved looking for farm mice. When we packed up to go home he seemed to know so he would sulk all the way, because his hard at home isn't a big as the country.

I love you so very much my Lil Ghost, you were taken to soon, you were only 6 years old & I wasn't ready to loose you. I thought you would out live me so I wouldn't suffer with a broken Heart. We gave you a happy home, you were never left alone. I miss you I keep looking for you around the house and at the farm, where I put you at rest with your pillow. We will meet again soon my sweet puppy.

I went to the farm today & put flowers on your grave along with my tears. Rest my sweet boy. Ghost had terminal cancer, now he is without pain.

Comments for My Shadow Ghost

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Oct 29, 2017
Your sweet boy Ghost
by: T St Louis

So sorry for the loss of your sweet boy. It's so difficult when we have to say goodye to these wonderful little family members. I'l be thinking of you in the days ahead. Take care.

Oct 23, 2017
Your sweet boy
by: T St Louis

I'm very sorry for the loss of your handsome boy Ghost. So young to a terrible disease. I understand your grief. We all do here. Keeping you in my thoughts & prayers.

Oct 22, 2017
Beautiful Ghost
by: Jackie

I'm so so sorry you lost your little buddy so soon. It's heart breaking ... you want them to live forever. I'm sure he's somewhere lovely watching down on you. So very sad. I hope that you will be okay.

Oct 22, 2017
by: Maggie

I cannot imagine losing a 6 yr old Schnauzer. I'm so sorry for your loss. They are such fantastic companions and fur friends. Take care, there are many of us here who have lost our own beautiful Schnauzers who feel your loss.

Oct 22, 2017
Sweet baby Ghost
by: Nanette

I'm so very sorry for your loss of your beautiful, sweet boy. It brought back bittersweet memories for me. My sweet schnauzer, Chloe Marie, got kidney failure and she had just turned 6 years old. We put her to sleep on April 27, 2015. I will never understand why some must leave us so young, with their whole life still ahead of them. It's just not fair. In time, your good memories of Ghost will replace the bad ones of when he was sick. It will take time. I hope my Chloe gets to meet him and they can romp and play, all well again and waiting patiently for us to come and be with them forever.

Oct 22, 2017
by: Jeri

I'm so very sorry for the loss of your precious baby Ghost. No words will help you heal your heart but eventually your heart will treasure the memories of your boy.

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