My Mattie

by Rachelle
(Upton, MA USA)

unconditional love

unconditional love

Profoundly sad at the loss of my Mattie

Mattie, my beautiful miniature schnauzer would have been 10 yrs old in another 23 days. She had been with me since she was 8 wks old. Today I did the hardest thing I have ever had to do and had her put down after being diagnosed with splenic tumors and severe anemia. The veterinary hospital suggested biopsy of the tumors to check to see if they were cancerous, and if they were, the spleen could be removed and she would be given chemotherapy to extend her life (at most 3 to 6 months in their estimation.)

I know I made the right decision to prevent her from further pain and protect her from harm, but I am profoundly sad and can't stop crying... I miss her so much already. Her unconditional love was just something I have rarely experienced in my life. Coming home from work to that little bundle of happy wagging fluff will never be the same. I feel so alone.

Love you forever, Mattie xox <3

Comments for My Mattie

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Mar 20, 2013
Your Mattie - A True Gift
by: Schnauzer lover

No one can feel as sad as you are feeling right now. Many of us have stood in your shoes, but as each dog is unique so is the feeling of loss. I send you a virtual hug. Having had such a wonderful dog and knowing the joy she brought to you will become warm soft memories - one day. Take the time you need to grieve, but hold a spot in your heart for another schnauzer. I don't think Mattie would want you to be alone - she worked hard to make sure you were happy :) How lucky were you! She seemed so attentive and sensitive, and so very loved. May her memory always bring warmth to your heart. Take care.

Mar 12, 2013
Shes a Angel in Doggy Heaven!
by: Jody

What a precious baby, and I am so sorry for your loss, but remember she now has no pain, she is running, frolicking around and most likely aroo, roo, rooing with all the other little schnauzers in doggy heaven just waiting until you are reunited. I know its hard right now, but you will always have your fond memories and she will always be in your heart until you meet again.

Mar 08, 2013
by: Traci

my sincerest sympathies to you. I believe i have seen Mattie on here before-not 100% sure. My eyes are welled up with tears as i write this. I cannot imagine my life without my darling Sookie who will be 3 in May. There is no other dog as wonderful as a schnauzer.
R.I.P. Mattie.

Mar 08, 2013
RIP Mattie
by: Timmy's family

Your story has just brought tears to my eyes, as soon as I saw the picture of her looking up at whoever is in the picture with her, made my heart melt. It's that look of love, our house still feels terribly empty without our boy, as you say opening the front door and not being greeted is heart breaking. You did the right thing, we opted against Chemo, the stress would have been too much,Tim didn't like the vets, never mind taking him miles in the car to another. You had 10years of fun, love and memories, it will get easier. I got yapped at this morning by a mini! and instead of crying (which normally happens) I smiled, they are the best breed! She looks loved and she wouldn't have wanted to be ill, just play, now she can, pain free and waiting until the next time you meet...
This poem helped me...x

The Last Battle

If it should be that I grow frail and weak,
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this, the last battle, can't be won.
You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.
We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend,
Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me firm and speak to me,
Until my eyes no longer see.
I know in time you will agree,
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.
Don't grieve that it must be you,
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close,we two, these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.

Mar 08, 2013
our forever loves
by: Bill McCrumb

I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Mattie, Last June my little 6 yr old phantom colored schnauzer named Oscar took sick overnight. I took him the vets, and they were unsure what was causing it, then he suddenly went blind, then with prednisone the sight came back , then shortly the seizures started..I had to to have him put down heart was so devastated... A few weeks later a new bundle of joy was named Astro was dropped into my life... I thought oh no way too soon,,, way too soon....but he has helped !!!
I wish you warm continued happy memories of your beloved!!!

peace and comfort

Mar 07, 2013
by: Marye

Just reading your story brought tears to my eyes. I can only imagine how sad and upset you are. You did make the right decision but that doesn't help with grieve you have now. Just take one day at a time and as I always believe someday you will meet again.
RIP Mattie you were loved more then you will ever know.

Mar 07, 2013
so so hard to lose love
by: VIcki

the right choice is hard to make but easy to live with. How something so little and fuzzy and cute can steal our hearts so quickly and the hold onto them forever. I know your pain. There will never be another Mattie but allow yourself to grieve and then, maybe, when your are ready, you will allow another loving fuzzy doe eyed baby steal your heart again. HUGS

Mar 07, 2013
Tears for you and Mattie...
by: Barbara

I know just how you feel. I had to put my Tazzie to sleep six months ago, she was 11, and was diagnosed with cancer. They wanted me to go the chemo route but I just could not see putting her through that just so I'd have her a couple of months longer. I know I made the right decision and I know you did too. It hurts more than anything!!! I have my boy Blaze who helped me through but he is still grieving....he won't play. My Blaze looks just like your Mattie!!There are lots of rescue Schnauzer's out there looking for a furever home.....would help you lots. Just saying!! With tears in my eyes I'm sending "hugs" to you. Take Care

Mar 07, 2013
Deepest Sympathy
by: Suzen

I have tears just reading your comments. These little dogs just steal your heart from the minute they come into your world. May your Mattie rest in peace and may you find healing.

Mar 07, 2013
Deepest Sympathy
by: Suzen

I have tears just reading your comments. These little dogs just steal your heart from the minute they come into your world. May your Mattie rest in peace and may you find healing.

Mar 07, 2013
I lost my friend too.
by: Anonymous

Truly sorry for your loss. I lost my lab 15 months ago and my husband brought Smuggler (Our mini) home to us the next day. It didn't replace her but it helped us deal with the grief. Losing our best friend must be like losing a child. What a joy he is to us, and what a personality, none like it.

Mar 07, 2013
by: Lynette

Its exactly five years today since I lost my labrador Simba, have since got Freddie and Cassie two brilliant but naughty miniature schnauzers, but memories of Simba still live on and always will, I am sure you have brilliant memories too.

Mar 07, 2013
by: Anonymous

Rachelle, I am so sorry for your loss. I know your pain and it hurts so much! I had to put my boys down about a year and a half ago (Tripp and Bash). They were 13 and it was the hardest thing I have ever done. I miss them so!

The best medicine is a new puppy Schnauzer. I know you probably don't think so now, but there is just a big void without a Schnauzer running around! A new one won't replace Mattie, but it will definitely feel a void with lots of love!

God Bless!


Mar 07, 2013
by: Anonymous

She reminds me of the Buffy that I had for 15 1/2 years. It is hard to say goodbye to one's pet. Sending thoughts for you. When a schnauzer touches your heart - it is for life. Buf has been gone for 4 1/2 years now. I have 2 new schnauzers, but she is still deep in my heart. When I close my eyes I feel her love. I hope as time goes by you will be blessed with many treasures from Mattie in your heart.

Mar 07, 2013
doggie love
by: Amanda

it is so hard to do, although we are being kinder, we grieve for our own loss and pain, Mattie will always be by you,r side, it takes a long time to heal your self, and of course there are people who say well its only a dog!!!. your dog was your life, your beloved pet and friend and that will never be taken away from you. Mattie had a great and happy loving life thanks to you. x

Mar 07, 2013
by: Anonymous

please know that you did the correct thing for mattie;i had to put my good boy casper to sleep under very similar circumstances;as sorry as i was to lose him,not letting him suffer one more moment was the right choice;

Mar 07, 2013
in tears
by: Anonymous

I'm so sorry for your loss. I too have been in your shoes.
The only thing wrong with animals is they don't live long enough.......Sending you a big hug......

Mar 07, 2013
by: Anonymous

So so sorry. You did the right now Mattie xmattie

Mar 07, 2013
Deepest sympathy for your loss
by: Ginger

So sorry for your loss... You made the right choice in thinking of her and not your desire to keep her with you. God bless.

Mar 07, 2013
by: lisa

I know how you are feeling, we lost our beloved Bogart Feb. 13th. Take comfort in knowing that you loved your Mattie and gave her a good home for her time here on earth. I am sure she felt the love you had for her and I believe we will see our beloved pets again when it is our time to go. Hugs.

Mar 07, 2013
by: lisa

I know how you are feeling, we lost our beloved Bogart Feb. 13th. Take comfort in knowing that you loved your Mattie and gave her a good home for her time here on earth. I am sure she felt the love you had for her and I believe we will see our beloved pets again when it is our time to go. Hugs.

Mar 07, 2013
I feel your pain
by: Christian

I am truly sorry about your Mattie. I lived through the same pain years ago when I had to put down my Molly. To this day and forever she will have a corner of my heart reserved for her. Take comfort in knowing she is in a good place, healthy & once again full of life. Theres no doubt in my mind that my Molly & friends were there to give Mattie a good old doggy welcome :)

Mar 07, 2013
Mattie was loved
by: Adele

Hi I know how you feel, it's so hard to let our beloved dog go. Know she felt your love and is in a better place free of pain and sickness. I too have an almost 13 year old mini Schnauzer who has health issues. All the joy she gave you will me forever remembered . Mattie will be missed but her life will be always remembered by you with fond memories. Bless your Schnauzer heart Mattie RIP

Mar 07, 2013
rest in peace mattie
by: jackie

i am so sorry for your loss. our little schnauzers are our best friends. mattie sounds like she was very much loved during her time here- and you were very blessed to have her in your life. may mattie rest in peace in doggie heaven.

Mar 07, 2013
Beautiful Mattie
by: Dianne

So sorry to hear about your beautiful Mattie and hope you will find some comfort in remembering all the joy and happiness she brought you. It is a pivotal point when you realize that you have done everything within reason to give them a quality life and this decision is the last act of love we can show them.

Had to put down my own 14-year old schnauzer,Zeus, 4 weeks ago today. Had several health issues including diabetes, but he live a long and happy life and brought our family unconditional love and companionship.

Mar 07, 2013
So sorry for Mattie's loss
by: Anonymous

The greatest gift you could give her is to release her from her pain and suffering. We tend to hang on to them because "we" will miss them...not realizing they are hurting. She will be at Rainbow Bridge waiting for you. Children grow up and don't need us anymore, while our precious pets will need us all their lives. Rest assured you did all you could, don't feel guilty...and soon think about rescuing another one that needs you now.

Mar 07, 2013
I understand
by: Jill

I'm so sorry about Mattie. I've been there- the last time recently (December 27). It hurts SO much when they aren't here any longer, but as you said, she's free from pain now. You were there for her, and I'm sure she knew that. <3

Mar 07, 2013
So So Sorry
by: Geri C

It is so heartbreaking to lose one of your best friends. I can only tell you time will help, but it will take a lot of time. Cherish your memories. Everybody has a special pet that comes in their lives and their memories live forever. I have lost 3 in the past year, old age and what goes along with that. I still have 4 (I love my schnauzers)but 2 are over 13. When you are ready, look around for a schnauzer rescue. All of my girls are rescues. Two of the last three I lost were littermates and one made it to 15.75 years and one made it to 14.75 years. There are so many schnauzers out there that have been discarded. Save a life and you will have a wonderful friend. RIP Mattie.

Mar 07, 2013
RIP Mattie
by: Donald


If it should be that I grow frail and weak
And pain should keep me from my sleep,
Then will you do what must be done,
For this -- the last battle -- can't be won.

You will be sad I understand,
But don't let grief then stay your hand,
For on this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship must stand the test.

We have had so many happy years,
You wouldn't want me to suffer so.
When the time comes, please, let me go.
Take me to where to my needs they'll tend.

Only, stay with me till the end
And hold me firm and speak to me
Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time you will agree
It is a kindness you do to me.
Although my tail its last has waved,
From pain and suffering I have been saved.

Don't grieve that it must be you
Who has to decide this thing to do;
We've been so close -- we two -- these years,
Don't let your heart hold any tears.


Mar 07, 2013
by: Anonymous

It"s the hardest thing to do,but you gave her a great life.After putting down my last dog,I was told by many"Thank you for being such a good pet owner" and I had been. I have a black mini that is now 5yrs old,and is wonderful ,but can't replace my last one,They each have a very special place in my heart. It took about 6 mos. to get the one I've got but the grieving process had to take place. I hope you can someday get another dog...It won't be Mattie but it will grow in your heart and love you just as she did,because you've been "A Good Pet Owner" Rest in peace Mattie,Thank You for being such a special pet.

Mar 07, 2013
So sad
by: Anonymous

I have tears In my eyes for your loss. My Ben boy is 5 yrs old but I have lost 2 dogs & I know what pain you are in. Well done for giving her years of love & safety.

Mar 07, 2013
RIP Mattie
by: George

So sad for your loss! It leaves such a hole in our lives when our little friends pass, the pain is palpable. Try to remember the happy times with your dear Mattie and try as best you can to let the memories of her passing fade away.

Mar 07, 2013
Sorry for your loss
by: Mark

Sorry for your loss, my girl lasted 10 years as well. I decided to remove my girls spleen however it was cancerous and I elected to not have the radiation. Likewise I was told she wouldn't last more than 3 months, but she gave me 1 year and 4 months.

Mar 07, 2013
So sorry
by: Fred Littell

I am very sorry to hear of the loss of your beloved family member Mattie. A loss like this leaves a huge hole in the heart, something that will not heal but will with time, friends and family become easier to bear.

My blessings to you in this time.

Fred,Fritz and Ripley

Mar 07, 2013
by: Anonymous

Rest in peace mattie xx

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