My Little Gray Man

by Susie

As tears stream down my face I am hardly able to type. We had to put our beloved 14 and a half year old mini schnauzer down this morning. I am in shock and keep thinking this is a bad dream.

Schnapps lived a long happy life as my baby. He was always another child to us. We picked him up when he was 8 weeks old.

At 5 am this morning he started flipping around in his bed. I comforted him, hugged him, kissed him and quickly drove him to the emergency vet clinic. I won't go in to details about his condition but it came on suddenly…we played last night and he was fine!

We had to make the decision to put him down and it was the hardest thing I have ever gone through. I hope we made the right decision. I feel blessed that he was not in pain and died with his family by his side and in peace. I can't imagine going through this ever again in my life.

I miss you, Schnapps, already. You brightened my day and helped me through tough times. I love you so much!

I have never lost a pet before and I am beside myself…how long with this horrible feeling last? My heart aches and I can't stop crying. I found this site and thought it might help me get through the next few days.

Thanks in advance to all the schnauzer lovers out there!

Comments for My Little Gray Man

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Dec 30, 2013
"If it should be......" (this helps) xx
by: Fran

If it should be I grown frail and weak,
And pain should wake me from my sleep,
Then you must do what must be done,
For this last battle can’t be won.

You will be sad – I understand,
Don’t let your grief then stay you hand,
For this day, more than the rest,
Your love and friendship stand the test.

We’ve had so many happy years,
What is to come will hold no fears,
You’d not want me to suffer……,
When the time comes…..please let me go.

Take me where all my needs they’ll tend,
But stay with me until the end,
And hold me firm, and speak to me,
Until my eyes no longer see.

I know in time you too will see,
It is a kindness you do me,
Although my tail is last waved,
From pain and suffering I’ve been saved.

Do not grieve that it should be you,
Who must decide this thing to do,
We’ve been so close – we two – these years,
Don’t let your heart hold any tears.

Dec 29, 2013
May your little man rest in peace
by: Anonymous

My condolences. When we had to decide to let our Mandi go; it was a very difficult decision but it was best for her. I had to be her voice and do the right thing for her. We all grieve in different ways; just give yourself time. I finally came around to being able to tell people about Mandi without bursting into tears. I didn't think I'd want another dog yet here we are with our beautiful Evie. She doesn't replace Mandi but she is a new chapter for us and brings us joy. It's a process. For me getting Evie did help me a great deal. You are in my prayers.

Dec 28, 2013
little gray man
by: Anonymous

with tears welling up in my eyes as i type this, i too, have lost the best friend and dog i'ever had ,my good boy casper;
to not let them suffer,to be loved unconditionally by you,to have crossed the rainbow bridge,being held lovingly in your arms,surrounded by his famly,there is no better way to cross the bridge,

R.I.P. my good boy casper,please look after little gray man;

Dec 28, 2013
by: Phil Medway

We lost our beloved Max and Meg after nearly fourteen years together so we know just how you feel. Two years later we still miss them dearly but after six months our home felt too empty without them. We found a gorgeous white boy followed by a beautiful black girl so now have a complete home again. They are not "replacements" they are characters in their own right, as much as we love these two Max and Meg still live on in our hearts and memories. Take your time but find room in your hearts for another Schnauzer, there is one out there just waiting for you.

Dec 28, 2013
Thank you!
by: Susie

Thank you all for all your supportive messages. You cannot begin to know how much all your support has meant to me. I am still a basket case and feel beside myself.
My husband and I went to a family party this evening and I did ok until the ride home. I was scared to walk in to our empty home…when typically Schnapps would be waiting for us with a big HELLO!

I trust all your comments implicitly and hope in time my heart heals and my ache turns to great memories.

Thanks to all of you…I never could have imagine that strangers could be so loving and caring. I am so glad I found this website. Maybe Schnapps drew me here??

Thanks again to all of you! Susie

Dec 27, 2013
by: joe

Sending you my heart felt sympathy and prayers on the loss of your little guy.

Dec 27, 2013
Hold him in your heart
by: Kristyl

So very sorry you lost your little guy. But I am so happy he had such a wonderful home with a loving family...that's the godsend here. He would tell you that if he could and he would thank you eternally. So hold on to your memories and take time to grieve. He will always be in your heart. Write down some of your favorites times with him, so memories won't fade. Hugs to you...

I am losing an 8 year old right now, a good 7 years or more early...and my heart is breaking in I do feel your pain. Love to you...Kristyl and the pups here.

Dec 27, 2013
Oh Schnapps
by: su

I'm so so sorry you lost your little man. I only lost mine in October and still cry as I see him everywhere as I am sure you do. It just means your love for each was was great and I promise you will one day be able to embrace his memory with greater strength. You made a brave and selfless decision to let him pass over that rainbow bridge remembering how great he felt playing with you rather than suffering. His spirit will come back to you and his love will be with you always.

Dec 27, 2013
Oh so sorry...
by: Loretta Wingfield

My heart is aching for you. I have lost a couple of pets in my life and it hurts sooo much. We have 2 mini schnauzers now and at times I still grieve for my other pets.
I will keep you in my prayers. God Bless.

Dec 27, 2013
RIP Schnapps

My heartfelt condolences upon the passing of your sweet lil Schnapps. It is definitely never easy letting our canine family members leave us to journey to Rainbow Bridge. Know that you did the best for him and he will always be carried in your now aching heart. Treasure the wonderful memories and yes initially they will bring the onset of tears, but time which is a healer will permit you to bittersweetly smile when ever you think or are reminded of your dear Boy. In time you may want to again bring another dog into your life, home and heart and most likely this new addition will be sent from heaven above from your Schnapps. You see, he doesn't want you to be lonely or without a warm snuggle and love. With warmest hugs at this most difficult time.

Dec 27, 2013
Sincere sympathy
by: Suzen

Losing your beloved dog is like losing part of your immediate family. You never forget their love, the happy times and the wonderful love. Just like with any loved one it will take some time.. Sincere sympathy to you .

Dec 27, 2013
He will wait for you <3
by: Becky C.

Your Schnapps will wait for you in heaven. Please believe that until then he's chasing butterflies, jumping, running and having fun and waiting faithfully.

Dec 27, 2013
you did the right thing
by: Brent and Janet

it is never easy making decisions that can change our lives forever. I stood by my buddies side this past may as the vet did what had to be done. 10 years of joy ( not so much the first year) to lose your buddy to prostate cancer. It took several months but it got easier. November 23rd, we got our new babies, so trust your heart, let it grieve , let it heel but most importantly, let it love. To live life without experiencing the pain of loss is to have lived life not knowing love.

Rest in peace little grey man. To

Dec 27, 2013
your loss
by: Amanda

I live in the UK, it is such a awful, hard, guilty type of feeling, because our dogs can not speak to us, and we have to do what we think and hope is the best for our minis, you did, because you cared so much, you would not want your little man, to suffer, he was a good age for a mini, the quickness of it, is such a shock, but remember the good and fun times, it will help, look at photos, keep a memory box, kept my first minis collar, Daisy under my pillow for 3 years, time is a very good healer, it will get easier, you will never forget the joy and happiness you had with your Little Gray Man, and neither will he, xxx

Dec 27, 2013
by: Anonymous

So sorry for your loss! The pain to where your heart hurts like you did not know it could will last for awhile! I know the pain and it is the worse! I had to put 2 Schnauzers down at the same time and it has been over 2 years and I still feel guilty! They were 13, and the best of friends,,(Tripp and Bash). I miss them each day! We of course, are Schnauzer people and home is just not home without a Schnauzer! We have Mali (who we had when the boys went over the rainbow bridge) and she is 4. We have since added Demi Shae (a teacup liver party Schnauzer) and she is now 2.. I hope when you start to hurt less that you will consider another baby to bring you unconditional love and help to fill the void you feel! A new puppy will not replace the one you lost, but he or she will definitely fill a big space in your heart with a new love! God Bless!

Dec 27, 2013
He was much beloved and will never be forgotten.
by: Anonymous

Your small friend lived a life knowing nothing but love and friendship and comfort. His love for you and the memories you shared will continue forever. My condolences to you & your family.

Dec 27, 2013
I feel your pain
by: Tootie's Mom

I'm so very sorry for your loss. I know what you are going thru I lost a dog years ago and didn't get another one for 25 yrs(had cats) but I had kids then so life went on but now I'm alone and 9 yrs ago I got my first mini Tootie, the 2 mini's I have keep me laughing, I'm so attached I really don't know what I'll do when their time comes. You do need to grieve but after it doesn't hurt so much get another baby to fill the hole but it won't replace your little man, you'll always carry him in your heart.

Dec 27, 2013
Angel Schnapps
by: Anonymous

May you find strength and comfort in sweet memories of Schnapps.

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