My little baby Barney Joe Bell

by Melissa Bell
(Greenfield, Ohio)

I could talk forever about my boy, Barney. He was 1 month shy of turning 12 years old when he passed away. I truly believe this dog was an angel. He wasn’t just a dog. He was my son, my 16 year old daughters brother, as she has no siblings. She’s had him since she was age 4. He was also her best friend. He was so precious. The most beautiful dog I’ve ever seen with a soul to match it. His personality was so sweet and kind. He wouldn’t hurt a flea. He could say I love you. He loved taking rides to watch for cows and bucks, playing with our other two younger mini schnauzers, and getting belly rubs. If you were hurt or sick he wouldn’t leave your side. We took him everywhere with us on vacations. I know I’ll never have another dog even close to what he was. Every kid from school who has been to our home over the 12 years instantly gravitated towards him and they all fell in love immediately. Needless to say when they found out he passed away a lot of tears were shed. I’d give anything to have him back. He was always very healthy but recently he was Dx with Diabetes. We’ve been fighting it for about 4 months. On a Sunday afternoon he was fine and watching the approaching storms out the window with my daughter and the next morning he seemed weak. He would hide and not come out for anything. He began to shake, wouldn’t eat, we checked his sugar, it was a little high but not too bad. The following day he was vomiting everywhere. We rushed him to the vet and she told us he was very ill, he was extremely dehydrated, and she said his quality of life was not good. His body was giving out and she thought if we agreed it was his time. He passed away at 4:49pm on May 8th after suffering two seizures after the sedation injection. My heart was and still is shattered. We’re lost without him but we know he’s now pain free and in a better place. If this touches your heart know that he was that special. Sometimes I think God sent me this angel portrayed as a dog because I’ve not once in my life ever met a dog like him and I’ve had dogs my entire life. He had the most beautiful long eyelashes and his little eyes were so innocent and loving. I’ll never go one day without thinking of him or missing him. He was a Godsend. I love you so much Barney aka Grampy. I’ll see you again one day and I’ll never let you go again. RIP Barney Joe Bell❤️🐶🌈😇 6/9/06-5/8/18 Greenfield, Ohio

Comments for My little baby Barney Joe Bell

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Oct 27, 2018
So sorry for your loss
by: Amanda

I lost my 11 year old Mocha and what you described in your special baby, I had in Mocha. I cry at least once a day for him. I miss him terribly. I think the hardest part about having a dog is the day we lose him. xo

Jun 01, 2018
Prayers and Hugs for your loss
by: Kellie

Reading your story with so many tears! Ms. Beasley is still with us, but barley hanging on. We continue to pray that she will rally and the meds will help her come back to her fun, playful self! She's 16 years, so we feel very blessed to have her in our life for so long. My daughter is 22 and is coming home to spend Sunday to say her goodbye, so we can do the right thing. She can no longer use the bathroom normal, she shakes in pain the morning till she gets her pain pill. I'm being selfish and thinking of myself keeping her with me. Prayers to you for strength and comfort and please pray for me to do the right thing for her.

May 24, 2018
My heart is aching for you
by: Anonymous

I can feel your love and pain in every word you have written. Barney Joe Bell truly was your special angel. He shared his life and love with many and will again when you meet at the Rainbow Bridge. Memories can never replace his little body and spirit, but they will remain with you forever.

May 17, 2018
Sending love
by: Anonymous

Sending love and wishing you wonderful memories. I wish I had more eloquence. I am so sorry for your loss bur want to remind you to celebrate his life, the love and the bonds. I am sure you are doing that. We have lost two beloved, wonderful schnauzers and they do live forever in your hearts. Cherish the pics, memories and stories. Allow yourself to cry. Memory boks and journals do help.

May 16, 2018
Your buddy
by: T St Louis

I'm so sorry your buddy had to leave you. Barney sounds like a wonderful family member. Mini's are the best little buddies. I certainly understand your grief. We all do here. We cry with you.My heart hurts for you and family.Thank you for telling us about your beautiful boy.

May 16, 2018
Blessings with Barney
by: Melodie

May warm memories shared with Barney, ease your broken heart during this difficult transition.♡ His watchful gaze will be focused you when you cross that Rainbow Bridge to greet him. Until then, his spirit lives on on your heart. I have been in your shoes and empathize with your pain )HUGS(. Our schnauzers wait patiently for our reunion...ever faithful.🐾

May 16, 2018
So sorry
by: Karen

So very sorry for your loss. You were all lucky to share such amazing live. He will forever live in your hearts. May time heal your pain but never dim your memories.

May 15, 2018
Angel pup
by: Sasha's Mom Anjali

Sending you big healing Hugs...
I understand every word and they are absolutely God sent.
Almighty will bless and give strength to you and family during this hard time...

Please take care

May 15, 2018
I feel Your pain
by: Anonymous

My little sandy went through the same thing
She passed away three days after her fourth bday
She went too fast, way too soon
It broke my heart
Sandy has been gone over the rainbow just over a year my little white baby
This year for Mother’s Day, two very dear friends gave me a black mini schaunzer
Life is good
But past life will always be in the heart
God bless you

May 15, 2018
Thinking of You
by: Wendy D

I am with you as well because we lost our beautiful little lady, Miss Sunshine Doodles. One day she just fell over without any warning. I rushed to the vet and we were told she had been suffering from heart failure. We had to say goodbye not 10 months later right after my darling dear father succumbed to the very same illness. I am truly heartbroken to this very day. Schnauzers are special. The people that appreciate and love them are, too. My heart is
always missing her and of course my beloved father.
My deepest sympathy goes to you and your family.

May 15, 2018
we So understand your pain
by: Cheryl Ann

Faith is our 5th Schnauzer girl , we feel the same way you do about Barny . She will be 11 December 4th
She travels with us everywhere we go . She loves everyone she meets . She understands everything we say . We love her so very much

May 15, 2018
So sorry about your sweet Barney
by: Nanette

These precious schnauzers have a way of being wonderful little companions. They are so loving and devoted to their family. I'm so sorry that you lost your sweet baby. I lost my little schnauzer, Chloe Marie, on April 27, 2015 at barely 6 years old. She got kidney failure. I really didn't think I could continue my life without her but we have her Mom, Dad and 2 sisters and they needed me too. I know how devastated that you are feeling but one day you will be able to talk about him without tears and the wonderful memories will replace the heartbreak that you are feeling now. I wish you all the best.

May 15, 2018
Heaven Has Another 2 Angels
by: Anonymous

Dear Barney,

Now that you are in heaven go find my Penny, she got there just 2 months ago after we were together for 15 years. She will be easy to find for she is exactly like you. The way your Mom described you I am sure I know you, and I'm pretty sure your Mom now knows my Penny. You can take care of and be friends to each other and don't worry because your Mom and I can comfort each other, we truly know what it's like to be without you. Be happy and carefree again, Love you guys...

Penny's Mommy

May 15, 2018
by: Anonymous

So sorry for your loss. I had a rescue just like that. it's been almost 3 years and I still miss her and talk to her almost daily. I too think Gigi was an angel. But you did what was best for Barney. Hard choice, but you couldn't watch him suffer. God bless your family.

May 15, 2018
They are the best
by: Anonymous

We lost our little guy is few years back. They are everything you described and more. We are so lucky this breed exists and that some of us are fortunate to share time together with them. My sincere condolences on the lost of your little guy.

May 15, 2018
Sorry for your loss
by: Rose

So sorry for your loss. What a special boy you had. He was definitely an angel ❤️😇

May 15, 2018
Feeling your pain
by: Adele

I sat here reading your beautiful tribute To your beloved Barney and it brought back memories of our beloved Orbit. I am so sure they are together smiling down at there Devoted families on earth. Yes those eyes we never forget. Hugs and know many understand. Orbits mom

May 15, 2018
Schnauzer love
by: Anonymous

So sorry for your loss. I too have a little angel. Her name is Avery. They are incredible pets. Very loyal and loving. They definitely leave a void when they are not there. My heart goes out to you and your family as I know this is a difficult time. I truly believe dogs are the closest thing to God that we can get to here on earth. Please accept my condolences. Signed a forever schnauzer lover🐶❤

May 15, 2018
God blessed you
by: Carol Ann

He’s your guardian angel now, watching over you and your family from the Rainbow Bridge.

May 15, 2018
by: Janey Kessler

I am so sorry for your loss. I don’t know what I would do without my Miley girl. Schnauzers have such big hearts and personalities and become the family center. May your memories bring you comfort.

May 15, 2018
Beautiful Soul
by: Kelly Scott

What a beautiful story. I know what you mean about not really being a dog but an angel. I too have schnauzers and they are truly a blessing. I’ve also lost 2 schnauzers and my heart has never been the same.
Thank you so much for sharing your story and I am so sorry for your loss of Barney. He is a beautiful soul.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family🙏🏽❤️

May 15, 2018
by: Anonymous

so sorry for this loss; but, you will meet again. barney will wait for all of you, patiently.

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