My Lil Buddy, Odie, I Love and Miss You

by Kim Thonpson
(Florence, Sc)

love getting out of the bath

love getting out of the bath

From the moment I picked you up we were inseparable.

What a great friend you started out to be and turned into momma's baby boy, my lil buddy. I took you everywhere with me. And so did Daddy. We traveled from Florence, S.C. up to Toledo, OH. and you absolutely loved it. You loved going just for rides locally, but once we turned on the road to our house you knew it and was so ready to be back at home.

Whenever Odie was excited, his lil tail would go a hundred miles an hour. It was so very cute. After 14 yrs of having you in my life, I sure will be lost without you baby. I will always, always remember you, even the day you went away. I know Jesus walked with you across the Rainbow Bridge my little Angel, Odie. The only bad thing still lingers in my mind is how rough it seemed to be for you in those last few hours baby. I know in time that to will pass. I love you Odie, lil buddy.

Comments for My Lil Buddy, Odie, I Love and Miss You

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Sep 08, 2012
Thank You All!
by: Kim Thompson

To everyone,
Just reading all your comments made me cry. Knowing I'm not alone does help in it's own way.
Thank you all so very much! I hope you all are
healing as well. And to Jordan, I know you'll love
your baby. Take pictures when you can, I wish I had more.
Just to let you all know, I didn't think my post went through the first time and thought it was lost and rewrote another. It's a little more detailing but I did
say a little more.
Again, Thank You All

Aug 25, 2012
You are not alone.....
by: Milo's mom

So sorry to hear about your loss. It has been 2 months since we lost our boy Milo. Not a day goes by that I don't choke back tears when I see his urn and his picture on our mantle. Your Odie will never leave your heart. You are in our prayers.

Aug 24, 2012
Sweet Odie
by: Bev

I am so sorry for the loss of Odie. It will be 5 years soon that my mini Gimli has been gone. I miss him so much still.

I know that they are in the arms of their creator, waiting for us. Until then, our lives are less without them. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Aug 23, 2012
Thinking of you.
by: Jordan

I have 9 month old. We've had him since he was 8 weeks old! I love him dearly and dread the day I have to say goodbye. Your story brought tears to my eyes!

Aug 23, 2012
by: Annette

My Rachet is also up at the rainbow bridge playing with Odie. I also have a white mini schnauzer that looks like Odie. May you find comfort and peace during this difficult time.

Aug 23, 2012
by: Rafael

Que El Señor te consuele!

Aug 23, 2012
Little Odie
by: Mary Palmieri

Bless his little heart,I have a white girl Angel just like him he's beautiful ,he's playing at rainbow Bridge don't worry he's with my Molly!!

Aug 23, 2012
by: Anonymous

i am so sorry for your loss;R.I.P. odie;

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