My Cool Baby Jax

by Barbi

Showing off his Christmas present

Showing off his Christmas present

Jax came into our life in November of 2011. Our beloved Lex passed away and I saw Jax in the pet store in our local mall. He was playing away with his brother and sister and when we saw each other that was it. :)

Jax filled a huge gap in my heart after losing Lex. Jax is very playful, smart, and just way so cool. He is defit a lil brother to my kids and a lil uncle to my grand-daughter. :) They are defit. buddies. They have sleep overs. When together they are inseparable. Riding in the gator, swimming in the hot tub (that does not work), playing hide and seek, watching tv, oh I could go on. Jax loves everyone he meets. Will give high fives and shake your hand. My husband and I are very blessed to have Jax in our life. He makes our day :)

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Your baby Jax
by: Loretta

He looks like a little loverboy! He reminds me of my Chewy! I have always had schnauzers - from the day I was born - my mom and dad had Lief, who lived to be 16 years old! I too had my very own boy named Chip. We lost Chip last July 23rd and we are coming up to his 1 year anniversary, which is very hard on me. We have Chewy now who turned a year on February 13th - he has the best personality and is such a lover! Best of luck on your little guy Jax (kisses on his little head)!

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