My Best Friend...Rudy

by Jean Francis
(Bend, OR)

Rudy is wonderful male schnauzer almost 2 1/2 years old. We have had many dogs, my husband and I are in our 50's, and Rudy is the best dog we have ever had and feel blessed to have him as a part of our family every day.

Rudy loves to go on walks, but his passion is playing fetch and chasing squirrels in the backyard. If he brings the ball only part way (in order to catch his breath), I say, "Are you done?", and then he comes racing over to drop it for me to throw once again. The most fun thing I have taught him to do, is to go down the slides at parks. He loves it and it brings so much laughter and many smiles to the faces of adults and children when they see him do it. I have had people video tape him doing it.

In the picture here he is only about 10 weeks old. His first motorcycle trip on the back of my motorcycle was 1700 miles when he was about 12 weeks old. He looks hilarious, riding down the road with his beard flying in the wind. We have had people smile, wave, point, and slow down as they are passing us to look at him.

I love this little man so much, and am so "sold" on the Schnauzer breed, that I have a second one coming on December 20, 2012! :) Schnauzers do indeed, RULE, in my heart and life.

Comments for My Best Friend...Rudy

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Schnauzera are the best dogs.
by: Anonymous

I have had my schnauzer for 15 years. He is in his end of life stage. He has been my best friend. It has been a an honor to have him in my life. All I can say is take time every day to love on your dog.

Hi Rudy!!!!!
by: Mary

He is a doll baby!!!! Wish I could give him a big old kiss.Like I tell everyone if God made anything better he kept it for himself!!! My Little man Charlie Is the same color he is three and hes been riding my road king since I brought him home as a pup.We just rode in the Toys for tots run Sunday with over 3000 bikes he had a blast and yes everyone has to have pics of him.They are awesome furpeople....Ride safe Rudy and take care....

Safe and secure
by: Anonymous

Very secure, he is secured by two safety straps inside the specially made carrier.

by: Loretta

My hubby saw a schnauzer on a motorcycle a few years back and I thought it wasn't exactly a great place to put your best friend. I see from your pictures how safe and secure Rudy is, and it makes me want to do that for a scooter and my Chewy.

I totally agree - that if it ain't a schnauzer - it ain't really a dog!!!

Schnauzers rule
by: Anonymous

I agree 100 percent :)

Schnauzers rule
by: Anonymous

I agree 100 percent :)

by: Anonymous

"if it ain't a schnauzer,it's just a dog"

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