My Baby Kayley

by Jo

Such a blessing to find this page in time of grief and deep sorrow. Having been raised with Miniature Schnauzers in childhood and having multiples in adulthood, I can proudly say that there is no better breed. Their intelligence, the dog with the human brain!, their stunning personalities and spirit, their wit, charm and comedic ways, all you fans know exactly what I'm trying to say...they are extraordinary!

So I write this with a complete broken heart, actually I tell my friends that my heart is gone, with the passing of my beloved little buddy, Kayley. She was the perfect little Schnauzer and A rate companion, guard, friend, and daughter! She was absolutely fine, ... barking, running, jumping , eating, everything! For almost 14, I thought, boy, she's really doing great, eyesight, hearing, the whole thing.... And absolutely no medical problems her entire life, no allergies, no stones, no diabetes, no bumps, nothing! I took her for her grooming on a Friday morning, normal, happy and beautiful. Sunday night she started this gentle snorting sound. Monday no better, but was still doing all her normal things. I thought perhaps she picked up something at the groomers.

I took her to the vet, blood work, X rays, find she had CHF and a bad mitral valve. We were shocked! How could this be with no signs of ANYTHING??? We went home with Meds and an injection of diaretic...Kayley never improved and when another set of X rays were taken just 5 days later, both lungs were filling with fluid. My husband and I had to make that last ultimate act of love decision to have Kayley earn her wings and matter how many times you go through this, it is never easy and you never become a seasoned professional. And when your buddy is fine one minute, and gone the next, the shock and heartbreak seems surreal.

Her alertness was with her to the very end. Her coat was thick, shiny and youthful. Two weeks later, the shock has not worn off one bit...we look for and hear her, we expect her to come barreling in from enjoying her yard...on and on I can go but I know my fellow Schnauzer lovers know the words I want to say. So thank you for letting me share my deep sorrow and please, those of you that have those amazing critters, give them an extra squeeze from me, and those that share my pain, embrace those happy memories of a truly exceptional breed. Thank you. RIP my beloved Kayley, we will meet again...July 8,2002-March 21,2016.

Comments for My Baby Kayley

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Jun 21, 2016
by: Jo

T- I thank you again for your kind and thoughtful words. I do believe that our beloved Joey and Kayley are together in heaven having a great time! It is 3 months today and not much has changed. The tears still flow, I talk to her all the time and I just have emptiness. Still can't accept what happened. And I know at the end moments, we were doing the right thing but I struggle thinking that she felt I was going to help her get better and instead, for lack of better wording, that I killed her....
I hope that you are doing better also. They say time heals but I'm not sure this time around.
I'm so thankful and grateful to Schnauzer Rules...what a wonderful site and outlet. It is the best!
Thanks, T.,'ll never know how much your words comforted me and how I appreciated your writing. I wish you the best and it's nice to know that we share a Miniature Schnauzer bond. For me, there is no greater breed. God bless you, Joey, Kayley and all past and present fur babies......

Jun 03, 2016
by: T St Louis

Thank you for your kind words. I hope you are doing ok. I understand how difficult it is and will be in the days ahead.

I am glad that Schnauzers Rule is available so that we can remember and honor our beloved schnauzer kids.

Kayley and Joey met one another and are healthy and whole now. Waiting to see us again one day. Sounds like Kayley was the feminine version of Joey. That makes me smile. I hope it does you, too.

You're in my thoughts and prayers. Take care.

May 12, 2016
Thanks for comments
by: Jo

Thank you, Trish for the kind knew all my girls well and I know you understand my pain....
T- Your tribute to your beautiful Joey is what inspired me to write one for Kayley. I even looked back to read your past entries. And you know what's funny is that my Kayley looks so much like your Joey with very similar personalities. I feel your pain and sadness and like I wrote, my heart is truly gone....
So thank you, T, for your kind and thoughtful words. It meant so much....

May 09, 2016
by: T St Louis

I'm very sorry for loss of your beloved Kayley. Peace and comfort to you. They are exceptional little family members. Kayley sounds like a wonderful little friend. We will see them again. Take care.

May 03, 2016
They are Part of Our Lives
by: Tricia A

Oh Jo - I know you both love and miss that black motorcycle mamma! Thank God for the 14 years you had with her. I know how much joy and laughter she brought you!

Our babies...we love them so.

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