Miniature Schnauzer Sabrina

by Dolores Lawson
(Ocala, Florida)

Sabrina at the age of 1

Sabrina at the age of 1

Sabrina was born on March 23, 2004 in Killeen, Texas my nephew gave her to us and she has been residing with us in Ocala, Florida ever since we got her from my nephew as a puppy. She is a black schnauzer and so loving.

Sabrina is completely housebroken on her own never gives us any trouble. However, a couple years ago got an acorn stuck in her smaller intestine and it cost a fortune to get her operated on and my husband saved the acorn painted it gold and calls it Sabrina's Golden Acorn.

Her only thing is she is a barker. Sabrina loves to have her ears rubbed and sit in your lap. She loves her fursister Abigale June even though she is a different breed. Sabrina lets us know when Abigale June is doing something she is not suppose to be doing. Sabrina's favorite snack is a milk bone biscuit and her favorite toy is a red bow that squeaks. She hates to be bathed and groomed especially her nails.

Comments for Miniature Schnauzer Sabrina

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Hello old friend.
by: The Sassy 7 Pack

Sabrina, you are as beautiful as ever. I know that you are very loved from you pawrents and from Abigaile too. Try not to eat any more acorns OK? They sure can make you very sick. Just stick to the milk bones. LOL

funny schnauzer
by: kim

I laughed when I read how Sabrina rats on Abigale. I have 2 dogs and one of mine does the same thing.

by: Dolores Lawson

Ebenezer's Mom Sabrina is soft and silky I enjoy just petting her when she sits in my chair next to me or on the bed next to me till Abigale June moves her out. Sabrina loves her sister and protects her. She watches what anyone does to Abigale June. If we are bathing Abigale June then Sabrina is watching over Abigale June, if the Vet is doing something to her Sabrina just watches him waiting to see if her sister yelps. Sabrina is a real good dog.

Beautiful Pup!
by: KG~Ebenezer's "mom"

Sabrina looks so soft and silky ~ you'd never guess she doesn't like to be groomed. Sounds like she likes to "tattle" on her 'sister' ~ how funny is that!

Answer to Carol comment
by: Sabrina


We laugh now too but at the time I was afraid we were going to lose her. No, she never learned her lesson we have to put a muzzle around here when acorns are in season.

pretty schnauzer
by: Carol

I laughed reading about Sabrina's Golden Acorn. Glad she got thru the operation. Hope she learned her lesson, too.

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