Miniature Schnauzer Neko

by Tanya
(Oregon, US)

Miniature Schnauzer Neko

Miniature Schnauzer Neko

My Schnauzer's name is pronounced Na - ko, with a long A. It means "cat" in Japanese. I adopted her when she was six years old. After speaking to many people who own Miniature Schnauzers, I find that Neko seems to be a little smaller than most dogs of her breed. Size doesn't matter, for she is the dearest, most loyal dog I have ever owned. She is very oriented to her routine and will let me know if I am late when it comes to meal time, play, or her walks.

When I first adopted Neko, she was on one of the more popular dry dog foods. She has a sensitive stomach and problems with a few allergies, so I decided to wean her off of the dry food and cook her meals. She gets cooked chicken breast and a variety of raw or barely cooked fruits and vegetables. To insure that she is getting the proper vitamins and minerals she needs, I give her a nutritional supplement.

Neko and I have a strong bond. I take her most every place that I go except for work. When I have to go to work, I put her in a kennel. If I don't, she shows her disgust at me leaving by getting in to mischief.

Before I adopted Neko, she was taught by someone to sit and hold up her one paw when she wants something. It is the cutest thing! She has her favorite toys and she knows them by name.

My schnauzer is not a barker. There are times when she will get excitable and bark but she is mostly very quiet. If she is at home and hears something she doesn't like, she has a low growl that she will use to let me know.

To sum up, I never knew that such a small dog could be so intelligent and be packed with so much love and loyalty.

Comments for Miniature Schnauzer Neko

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Great article
by: James K. Tyner

I hope you post again soon.Thanks for sharing.

RE: Raw Food by Carol
by: Tanya

Thank you for your questions regarding Neko's raw food diet.
I started to feed her raw chicken breast, cut up in small pieces. I feed her about 1 cup for a morning and 1 cup for her evening meal. I mix the cut up chicken breast with frozen peas and/or green beans that I have chopped up in a food chopper. In the morning, she gets a nutritional supplement with her food.
I buy boneless, skinless chicken breasts. I try to buy chicken with the least amount of preservatives in them. I usually buy Safeway's “Eating Right” chicken breasts especially when they are on sale. Other than that, I was told by a local butcher shop that either Foster Farms or another brand with a blue label ( I can't remember the name right now) was the best chemical-free chicken to buy.
I had no idea where to buy the pre-packaged food but accidentally discovered that one of the local stores carries it. I bought the Lamb Dog Food because it was the only one I could find that did not have corn, wheat or soy in it. The dog food is kind of expensive and only lasts about two weeks. I bought some twice and am now trying to make my own food.
The pre-packaged food is prepared not far from where I live and is called Kristi's All Natural Pet Food.
I will give you the web site. Kristi has a bunch of valuable links on feeding RAW for dogs. Another valuable resource is Dr. Karen Becker who is a Holistic Veterinarian. She has a lot of onformative videos on You Tube and also on
Here is the link for Kristi's All Natural Pet Food:
Dr. Becker has a great little book all about how to feed raw diets for dogs and cats. I just ordered a copy and if interested, you can obtain a copy from her web site.
Regarding the raw food diet, I do not grind bones up for my dog yet. I am real skiddish about that.
I do not mix fruit with her protein anymore. I used to when I cooked her food. I have since learned that mixing fruit and protein will cause the food to ferment in a dog's stomach – just like in a human's stomach.
I feed mostly chicken to Neko, and sometimes the prepared lamb food. I do not feed her beef or pork.
I found out that it is good to give sardines once in a while, but ONLY the ones that come packed in water. The sardines are a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids. When I give a sardine along with the rest of Neko's meal, I cut back a little on the other protein that she is receiving.
I will add a Disclaimer to the info I have provided. Each dog has its own genetic makeup and what may be good for one dog might not be good for another. I have made a lot of (what I consider) mistakes in trying to prepare a good diet for my pet, but life is a learning process. I try to keep learning sas much as I can. I want to safeguard the life of my precious little one. She means the world to me and I want to keep her as healthy as I can.

Raw food
by: Carol

Curious about feeding raw food.... What kind of raw food are you feeding her. Pre-packaged food (if so which one) or are you just buying raw meat from the store?

Dietary change
by: Tanya

Since I submitted this article, I have changed Neko's diet. I have learned that cooking a dog's food actually decreases the hydrochloric acid in their stomach. I am feeding her a raw diet. I wasn't completely sold on the idea when I heard about it, but Neko had no problem with the transition to it. I would rather pay the little extra to keep her healthy than to feed her cheap and have to pay the Vet thousands of dollars to undo the damage. Neko means enough to me, that she deserves the very best. I want to keep her in good health and have her with me for as long as possible!

Schnauzer Face
by: Peggy

Neko is such a pretty Schnauzer. I love the close up photo of her face, it's so expressive.

by: Sabrina & Mom

Wow is Neko adorable and being smaller than most schnauzers doesn't matter. You are fortunate that she is not a barker.

I think it was wise not to change her name since she was used to it as a pup. Very interesting how they gave her the name though.

RE: What an adorable face
by: Tanya

Thanks so much for your compliment! It was very much appreciated! I love the picture of her that I got, just the portrait of her face. She has a beautiful "doggie smile." I have taken her to the dog park a few times. When I have, she has this same smile on her face, but her eyes are also lit up like it is Christmas. She sure was a happy camper when I took her to the dog park.

What an adorable face.
by: The Sassy 7 Pack

Neko is suck an adorable little girl. She is groomed very nicely.

RE: pretty Schnauzer
by: Tanya

Thanks so much for your comment about Neko. I have to tell you that her personality is as beautiful as she is. Being able to adopt her is a gift that keeps on richly giving!
Neko had her name when I adopted her. I did not change it because she had had it since she was a pup and was used to it. The story I was told about how she got her name was this:
The lady whom I adopted her from had a daughter that was preparing to go to Japan as an exchange student. She had been learning Japanese. When they got Neko, she decided to name her the name that she has. I don't know about any other reason.
She is a small mini, weighing only 12 pounds.

pretty schnauzer
by: Carol

Neko is a very pretty schnauzer. Her name is so unusual. did you name her Neko or was that her name when you adopted her? if you did name her, how did you come up with that name?

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