Miniature Schnauzer Logan

by Brenda
(Uxbridge Ontario)

Our miniature was purchased for our son, who was 9 years old at the time. We had to wait until our frail 18 year old cat died because she could not handle a puppy. I had never even met a schnauzer before we bought one. It was from a local pet store. I did not know about puppy mills, at that time, and figure we got lucky with ours. I would bet he was the result of a puppy mill but his health and temperament were good. In no time at all he had won all of our hearts.

The first summer that our son went away to camp, he set outside his bedroom door and whined. Eventually he realized that he was not going to come home each night. Big welcome home when he did come back. I ended up on long term disability so I was home full time for the last several years of his life. He was my shadow and nurse maid.

He also learned that the 2 year old cat we had, when we brought him home, was the boss. They soon became close friends as well. When we introduce another cat he was thrilled to have another friend and playmate. She took a little longer to adjust. They both liked to lie in the sun on one end of our couch. When the younger cat was still fairly small we use to find Logan curled up with the cat draped on top of him.

When we got him our son wanted to name him Wolverine after the comic book character. I told him that was too big a name for such a small dog. Logan was the Wolverines other name.

Logan developed heart problems in his 13 year of life. Medication seemed to be working fine for him. He has cataracts forming and was a little arthritic. One morning after having his heart pill he fell over and could not get up. His breathing was gurgling so I knew it was heart failure(30 years working in health care). My husband and son rushed him to the vets but just as the vet pulled into the parking lot Logan died in our son's arms.

There was not a dry eye in the house for several days. With me being on disability our income is tight so we still have not replaced Logan. Not that you can ever replace the personality of one pet with another but the breed is so lovable.

Some day we will be able to afford the vet bills again and we will get another schnauzer. Until then I read all I can about them. It is so true about them talking. Logan had a few things he would say. Your home was one of them and num nums (when we finished supper) was another one. They were quite clear.

Comments for Miniature Schnauzer Logan

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Heart Felt Sorrow.
by: The Sassy 7 Pack

Oh my goodness, I know it must have been a terrible blow to you and your family, and the kitties too.

I love my 7 minis, but a few are getting old and one is 15, so I'm sure I will be going through the same thing in the near future. Please know that I am sooooooo sorry for your loss. I'm sure Logan was a wonderful family pet.

Logan was an X Dog!
by: Peggy

What a touching story about Logan. As I read it, it made me remember my first Schnauzer Max. He was from a backyard breeder, but he ended up being such a comfort to me in hard times. I am sorry for your loss, but it sounds as though Logan lived a good life with good people. I hope some day you will be able to get another Schnauzer. They really are awesome little dogs.

by: KG~Ebenezer's "mom"

So sorry for your loss. What a great tribute to a family pet.

"No Greater Pain"

There is no greater pain than the loss of a beloved pet ~ a best friend ~ a family member.

For they may be gone ~ but never forgotten.

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