Mini Schnauzer Lola

by Jeff Havard
(Kelowna, BC, Canada)

Hey...... It's me...... Lola!

Hey...... It's me...... Lola!

I'm only 8 1/2 weeks old right now, so I don't really have much to tell about myself yet. I do know that my name is Lola, at least that's what my Mom and Dad keep calling me. I have great parents, they're really fun. They play with me all the time, it kind of wears me out though, then I have to have a nap to recharge my batteries. I think they sleep at the same time 'cause when I wake up, they're ready to play's GREAT!!!

I live in Kelowna, BC, Canada. It's a very nice place, lots of lakes, lots of sunshine, very beautiful. My house is nice too.... big, fenced back yard that I call mine. It's my job to make sure no one comes in unanounced. I call Mom and Dad if anyone comes around. They like that!!! I like having a job to do.

When I get older, and have more stuff that's happened in my life, I'll write again. Until then, thanks for letting me send you my picture. I hope you like it. Everyone says I pretty cute, hope you think so too. Bye.... Lola.

Comments for Mini Schnauzer Lola

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Contest Photo
by: Schnauzers Rule

LOLA is not available for Adoption. She belongs to the person who originally posted her picture. This was a contest photo. Please check for available Schnauzers to adopt thru your local rescue.

by: mosulliv

We are long time Schnauzer parents. Our Schnauzer's are our babies. Is she still available for adoption?

Is she still up for adoption?
by: mosulliv

We are long time Schnauzer parents. She will be cared for like a baby. We have no children but we love our fur babies. If she is still up for adoption we would love to welcome her to our home.

For sale
by: Anonymous

Good day. Is Lola for sale?

Super sweet
by: Kcl

Can't wait to hear of your many life adventures.

I think I love her
by: Rigby

Lola is the most cutest puppy alive!!
I usually like older women, but not any more...
I love the color of her hair the most

love n' licks

by: earl

VERY! cute !!!

by: Rafael Arvelo - Dominican Republic

WAOOOO What a beauty, cute!!!

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