
by cesar
(Lincoln Park, Michigan)

Miniature Schnauzer Max

Miniature Schnauzer Max

Max is a 11 month male miniature schnauzer that was born on April, 26 2011. My dad bought Max for my brother's birthday because he always wanted a miniature schnauzer. We got a miniature schnauzer not just because they're smart but also because they're one of the smartest dogs out there. I named my dog Max because that name just came to my mind the moment a bought him.

Max is about to turn 1 this April of 2012. Max is my best buddy, and all of my friends constantly hear stories about him. He literally stops traffic on my street (the newspaper deliverer has to get out of her car to pet him). He is so friendly and makes friends wherever he goes. Max loves doing any activity with me by his side and I could say the same.

I wouldn't be able to live without my mini schnauzer Max by my side. He puts a smile on my face every day whether good or bad and he amazes me every day.

Comments for Max

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That's my Dog!
by: Anonymous

My family bought a grey miniature schnauzer about three years ago we renamed him Max and we used to live in Michigan and surprisingly enough the dog in the picture looks just like my Max! What a coincidence!

by: Anonymous

this dog is verry wack

by: Anonymous


Happy boy
by: Loretta

I think you little guy Max is just like my Chewy! I feel the same way. He is my bestest friend! Give your little guy a hug for Chewy and me!

by: Laura

I love how u mentioned he puts a smile on your face every day. So does my mini schnauzer, aren't they great? After moving, I really needed a best friend. My little buddy has made a big difference too. Enjoy him!

Max too!
by: Anna K

I have a Max too! He is a 5 year old black and silver and they are all very smart. I lost my black ms, Gus, in 2010 from lymphoma at age 7 and that just left Max and me. Last year we rescued a little black female named Penny. Don't know what I do without them! Have fun!

Anna, Max and Penny

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