In Memory of my Beloved Freddie

by Lorraine D.
(Corning, New York, USA)

In remembrance of my precious boy... my miniature schnauzer Freddie.
May 2, 2014 - September 21, 2019. He only lived five years, but his love filled a lifetime. He was the little boy I could never have. He was my heart, my joy, my life, my love, my blessing. I love you and miss you my boy. I hope I'll see you in Heaven. I'll never forget you my sweet darling baby Freddie. I'll love you forever. - Lorraine D.

Comments for In Memory of my Beloved Freddie

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Jul 26, 2020
Thank you
by: Lorraine D.

Thank you to everyone who has commented, for your kind words, your stories, and your love. Blessings to you all. ❤️

Nov 12, 2019
by: T st louis

I'm so sorry for your loss. Freddie was a beautiful little mini. I believe we will see our little buddies in heaven. They are one of God's beautiful creations. You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Nov 02, 2019
Very. Sad and anxious
by: Sam Parthasarathy

Very sad for your loss at that young age. My little Nina is vibrant but I worry about her everyday. Schnauzers are God sent little angels who tirelessly amuse us and alleviate of our sufferings and pains. They have a special place in heaven.

Nov 02, 2019
Your sweet boy...
by: TheScarletLetter

I am so sorry for your loss. I lost a dear mutt of mine, suddenly (for me anyways) over 10 years back, and it still feels fresh when I look back on her. It's only been lately that I can giggle with my ex over her sometimes silly moments, and her genius.

I have a black and silver Schnauzer now, and he's 10. He's showing some signs of advanced age, and I run him to the Vet over every little bump (except Schnauzer bumps, unless they appear to be infected with Staph or something.

I pray I get to be with him for five more years. As long as he doesn't give me 'the look' that made me rush Soxy (my mutt) to the vet. She locked eyes with me, and her gaze read: "Help me, Mommy."

I can't imagine having a Schnauzer for only 5 years. But maybe..? Maybe you didn't know about it way ahead of time, so that you could live every moment with your baby happy, instead of otherwise.

I told my husband (at the time), when he held our baby Blitz for the first time, and fell hard and deep for him, "He will be a holy terror for a while, then suddenly he'll settle down, and be a 'noble little chap'." He has been exactly that.

I know your Freddie was amazing. They just can't help but be! I will mourn with you, pray for you, and I do believe dogs will be in heaven. They are too much of a gift from above, and too big a part of our lives not to be.

As it turned out, I could never have children. My dog is my child, as well. I don't say that lightly.

Oct 30, 2019
So sorry
by: Nanette

So very sorry for your loss of your sweet boy. So young. We lost our little schnauzer girl to kidney failure. She had just turned 6. We will never understand why at such a young age. I was so angry that she would not get to live a long life. With time, her loss has gotten a little easier for me. I pray in time that your tears will be replaced by smiles when you think of your Freddie.

Oct 30, 2019
So handsome
by: Phyllis

Freddie is so handsome and certainly gone too soon.

Condolences to you.
Sincerely, Phyllis

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