I love you Marty, you're a good boy

by Derek Short
(Shelby, Ohio)

Marty's last ride with Deckard

Marty's last ride with Deckard

We got Marty around 2004-2005. When we went to the pound, he was in the back corner cage and his hair was probably 3-4 inches long. They said that he was scheduled to be put to sleep that day at 7:30pm. So we took him home, cut his hair, and quickly found out how lucky we were to have found him. He was the sweetest, most well tempered dog I have ever seen. We named him Marty after Marty McFly from one of my most beloved movies, Back to the Future =)

He was blind and diabetic for the last 2 years of his appx 13yr life. He had cataract surgery and for a few months afterwards he could see again but then lost his eyesight again. Before he went blind, he loved to play with his squeeky toys (especially a little white rabbit he had for years until he finally chewed the squeeker out of it) and go for walks. His favorite thing to do was go for car rides and hold his head out the window nearly the whole time. His favorite things to eat believe it or not were radishes, apples, and bananas. He couldn't get enough of them. He also loved lettuce and broccoli. Once in a while I gave him a little peanut butter or some milk in a bowl. Man did he love his milk! All my other animals loved him too. The other two dogs would always be near him and my 3 cats would always rub up against him as they walked by.

Marty was doing fine, with a few times with complications from diabetes, until May 2nd, 2016, when he took a bad spell and got very sick and couldn't even move. The next day our vet kept him for around 4 hours but couldn't do anything for him. I put him on a blanket in the passenger seat of my car and drove him to MedVet emergency in Columbus, OH an hour and a half away. I drove one handed and held on to his paw the entire way, stopping a couple times to hold his head up so he could drink some water from a dish. They said he was in critical condition and I couldn't afford a thousand dollars a day for them to keep him for 3-5 days so they gave him some pain medicine and some other things and I took him home.

He still couldn't move so I laid him on a blanket on my bedroom floor and slept on the floor with him overnight. Still no change in the morning, and his breathing was still very shallow, and I couldn't stand to see him go through all the pain anymore so I made the hardest decision of my life and drove him to the vet to be put to sleep. My other dog, a little brown cockapoodle named Deckard, knew something was wrong so he jumped up in the seat with him and laid behind him with his head on him for the trip.

I had Marty for appx 13yrs until May 4th, 2016. It is August 1, 2016 and there quite literally hasn't been one day that I haven't cried tears over Marty. It is the most unbelievably profound, gripping pain I can possibly imagine.

I love you Marty, and I can't wait to see you again. You were and always will be a good boy forever. I can't wait to scratch your chest again which you loved, watch you roll in the grass and make grunting noises for no apparent reason again, and get to see you have your eyesight back so we can live happily with all our pets that miss you in our home in heaven someday. I would give anything I own just to see him one more time so I can hug him and tell him I love him and say goodbye properly. I love you Marty, the sweetest, kindest, most loving, well tempered dog there ever was. He never growled at or bit another person or animal in his life. In fact our little yorkie Zoey would sometimes jump on him growling and biting at his ears to try to be the dominant dog and Marty acted like nothing was happening.

I will never forget you Marty and will be thinking of you when I am on my death bed, whenever that is, no matter if I do get more pets along the way, you are the one that will be on my mind the most forever.

Rip Marty you're the best boy in the world even in death. I love you Marty. I miss you Marty. It hurts so bad without you.

If you would, please take a look at the pictures and videos of Marty on my facebook page that I turned into a tribute site for Marty. I am very sorry this was so long but I had to write it this way because he was so important to me. Thank you for reading. And indeed, Schnauzers do rule =)

Marty: https://www.facebook.com/DerekShort88

Comments for I love you Marty, you're a good boy

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Jan 16, 2017
Totally understand your grief
by: James

I lost my very beloved mini schnauzer recently, she was 10 and a half and was diagnosed with advanced lymphoma (cancer) she was so ill, that I was pushed into making hardest decision in my life, to let her go and be pain free. I know she will always be in my heart as I was in hers.

I would of liked at least a day or two to have let her run in her favourite park or a beach and just had alittle more time to say goodbye. People often said they could see how much she loved me in her eyes... and it was the same for me with her. I never knew how much pain it would be to lose her.

I often get upset in the mornings / evenings when all I can do is look at her photos and talk to her like she is still here. I now live alone again without her and the house feels empty and certainly not a home without her.

I knew I will eventually get another little schnauzer but I will never forget my Ellie and she will always be in my heart.

Its so difficult, I feel for anyone else in the same situation.

take care

Aug 29, 2016
Dear marty
by: Anonymous

I do also understand yor profound grief. You expressed your love beautifully, the sincerity is strong. Im sure he felt your devotion intensely....and still does. Wishing you peace.

Aug 09, 2016
by: Annette

I lost one of my Schnauzers in 2011 and the other to Diabetes in 2014. Not a day goes by that I don't miss them both. I hope Rachet and Socket where waiting on the other side of the rainbow bridge for your beloved Marty.
I cried reading your tribute - it was well written. I now have 7 rescue Schnauzers that I love but like you I would do anything to spend one more day with Rachet and Socket.
May your heart heal with time and the memories last forever.

Aug 06, 2016
Good boy
by: T St Louis

So Very sorry for you. Understand your grief. Lost my good boy last year and feel your pain. I'll be thinking of you. Take care.

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