I don't know how we.re going to get thru this, Skeeter is everything to us!!!

by Pam
(Mankato MN)

I can't believe I never came across this site before tonight. In the morning I'm returning a call to vet, to have our little man of 15 years,3 months and 5 days put to rest either Friday, after his daddy gets off work, or Sat. morning. I still don't know if we can go thru with it!!! We have been thru hell & high waters together!! But I finally realized today, it's time,,I always prayed he could just go in his sleep, but that hasn't happened. he came down the hallway and looked @ me and turned back around, he stood in the nightlight that I have so he can try and see a little better. for a second, which he does alot since dementia has set in, the new meds on the market did not help much for that, And then the anal gland issues I know he suffers with more than he ever shows!!!

He is his daddy's sidekick,,,they are off on cruises in truck all the time, they call it "mock air", but those rides are nothing now like they use to be. he barely can stand for that long to stick his little nose out the window. And he hasn't played the "attack mama with kisses" game, in quite sometime..

OH Skeeter, This is so terrible, its 2;00 a.m. early thurs. morning, and I just dont how i can let you go in day

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Jul 20, 2016
I know how you feel
by: Shirley

I am still crying over the loss of Krista as I see her every where in our house,.....I know it has to be tough for you too.......I think the pain will never go away......we love them so much as they were such a part of our life too.......I hope God can help you to get on with your life without skeeter at this difficult time for you.l don't think I will ever stop crying without Krista as it was so hard for me too ........so my heart goes out for you too
God bless

Jul 15, 2016
my little man
by: Anonymous

I just stumbled across this blog and I had no idea that I would be in so many tears I have a little man and he's only 5 years old and I don't know what I'm going to do when he goes cuz he goes everywhere with me everywhere and I love him so much my heart goes out to all of you because I know I'm going to face that one day and it's just going to tear me apart I have to get off this blog because I've got to get my composure thank you guys. god bless each of you.

Jul 06, 2016
I know how you feel
by: Anonymousshirley

We just had to put our Krista down last week as she had lung cancer.....we are still crying with the loss of her......we loved her so much and she went so fast..........Your skeeter will have Krista to play with at the rainbow bridge..........my heart goes out to you as I feel your pain too....God blesss

Jul 05, 2016
I'm very sorry
by: Luis

Truly I know what you're going through right now. Last September 29th, 2015 my family decided to put to rest my little Luna due to kidney failure. She was almost 15 years old. It's been more than 9 months since she left us and I still can't believe she's not around anymore. I really miss her so much. She was all joy, playful, loyal company, happines to me. I'm very sorry for your loss. Skeeter and Luna are now together running and playing somewhere at no pain, no suffering at all. I wish dogs lived forever but sadly they don't. I couldn't accept that fact in the beginning, however, I know she will live forever as long as I remember her in my heart, so will your beautiful Skeeter. Hugs for you.

Jul 04, 2016
Our hearts are broken too
by: Shirley

We know how you feel as we just had to do that to our beloved Krista last week........she had lung cancer I prayed thT God would take her is her sleep but it did not happen that way so my heart goes and comfort in difficult time for you too
God bless

Jun 20, 2016
Loosing you friend is tough...
by: Jan

I,too, just lost the love of my life. She was there for so many memories and milestones.We had her for 13 1/2 years. I just got a new miniature schnauzer puppy not to replace her but to reflect the the love I had for her. I still cry for all the schnauzers I've had (3 total). All were like the best friend and companion to myself and my husband. I will never forget the love they (Milly, Daisey, Lily)showed us.

Jun 08, 2016
I share the pain
by: Milly

I know exactly how you feel. I had the sad experience of seeing my 8 year old doggy just this past Sunday. The family was with him until the very las moment. His dad and brother held him close while the vet injected him. I stod in fron of him with tears pouring out of my eyes. I reminded him how much he was loved and how grateful we were that he was part of our lives. He was a brave little guy and will forever be remembered and loved. As painful as it is. It is an act of love to let them go when life becomes unbearable for them. Im sure our doggies now are playing in heaven and look at us from above with the same loving eyes they looked at us while they were here.

Jun 03, 2016
by: T St Louis

I'm very sorry you had to make this decision for your beloved Skeeter. Please know you are not alone. A lot of us have had to do the same for our mini's and understand your grief. It is heartbreaking. Peace and comfort to you.

Jun 02, 2016
So sorry for your loss
by: Joy

I am so sorry for your loss of your beautiful Skeeter. I just lost my Miss Molly on June 1, 2016 and I feel so bad. She was 16 1/2 and we had the privilege to be her parents for 13 years and 8 months. It is so hard and I know what you are going through so hang in there and I will do the same. Skeeter is waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge as is our Miss Molly.

May 22, 2016
Made me cry
by: Jackie

Oh, I'm so sorry for you. I have been there with my little schnauzers in the past and it's awful, just awful. Just spend as much time as you can with Skeeter before you see him off. That is my biggest regret ... that I kept working. I should have given myself some special time with both of my boys. I really am sorry that you are at this stage in your life. You'll never replace him but you have some wonderful memories. Blessings. I hope that you will be okay.

May 21, 2016
by: Phyllis

You will do what you must because you love Skeeter more than self. It will be heartbreaking; but he's always counted on you to do the right thing for him, to be his voice.

Bless you and your husband and Skeeter. I am sorry you have to go through this.

May 21, 2016
Dear friend I just know how and what you are going thru
by: Ann Kernechel

My Schatzie was 15 years and stopped eating I cooked chicken eggs beef and she would eat for a few days and then she would stop. She was losing weight and I just could not give up BUT the day came that I had to do something. I called my vet up and she said Ann its time. That was a month ago and I still cry and am sad.
My brother and his wife are on vacation and I am watching Riley who is a Shiz zoo and this puppy has given me so much love and has taken some of the pain away. I am looking for a young Mini Schnauzer to love again. I have had 3 in my life time and they are just so much of a beautiful breed. Hang in there cry when you want to because the tears will help wash away the pain. Of course you will always have the pain. GOD Bless as my son said to me that's why GOD made puppies!

May 21, 2016
My heart is broken. ..
by: Melissa

We lost our beloved Child Kip February 29th. She was 14 1/2 and EVERYTHING to US! I Start every day crying when I wake and she is not here with her toys and sweet kisses. She has left a huge hole in our hearts and life. Skeeter sounds so wonderful! I wish I could make it better for you! You are all in my thoughts.

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