How do you mend a broken heart? Lil Jakie

by Michael
(Saint Louis)

Lil Jakie 1

Lil Jakie 1

I was devastated. We had to put our little mini Jakie down. He was 17 years old and the best dog I have had. He was given to us at age 14 as a gift from a dear friend. He developed a cancer of the jaw. A big grown man crying over missing his best friend. I moped around for days.

Jakie was an exceptional dog and saw me through several surgeries and hard times. He never failed to make me laugh and was full of energy until the end. He would "snoot" me till I petted him, he used to sing when the phone rang and went crazy every day when I came home.

At the end, he was deaf. I had to carry him out (like a football) to go pee and I had to feed him by pushing bits of chicken through his missing front teeth I would have gladly continued doing this but the vet said he was in pain and was going to die within a week.

After a few days of the worst grief in my life, my wife suggested that I see a local breeder (Amanda Stallard) We did and I instantly bonded with a fantastic Phantom Black and Silver baby. I really miss my Jakie but the hurt is much less knowing I have a great pup on the way. Amanda is a great breeder and a mom to all her puppies. We named the puppy lil Jakie in honor of my old buddy.

My advise to all who hurt with the loss of their best friend:
You will not replace that old friend but give another one a chance to fill the void in your heart. I have attached a few photos of our lil Jakie and our original... Godspeed to all who morn the loss of a little friend.

Comments for How do you mend a broken heart? Lil Jakie

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Oct 30, 2017
Lil Jakie
by: Sasha's Mom Anjali

Wishing darling Lil Jakie an awesome journey with you..
I totally agree with you on getting a new pup...
they indeed mend the broken heart.

Oct 30, 2017
Your post made me cry
by: Jackie

I'm glad you found a new puppy to bond with. When I lost Banjo, I too found a little girl schnauzer as I felt so empty and lost without Banjo. He was my baby but I was too heartbroken so Cookie filled the void. We're so blessed by dogs. They're such amazing creatures. Schnauzers are very special - they're quirky little dogs with big hearts. I wish you all the best through your grief and new friendship. You will meet your boy again.

Oct 30, 2017
by: Maggie

So sorry for your loss! I so agree with finding a new friend knowing they do not replace the one who passed. Sometimes its hard, its good for you and great for some other pup/dog who needs a human.

Oct 30, 2017
Jake &Lil Jakie
by: T St Louis

I'm so sorry for the loss of your Jakie. He was a handsome fellow. Very happy you got to spend the last year's with him. Lil Jackie looks like he will be a fine boy. We all understand your sorrow. These little guys are family. I believe we will see them again one day. Take care.

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