Hey there Georgie Gurl

by Shannon
(Modesto, Ca)

Georgie Gurl looking  all dressed up cute

Georgie Gurl looking all dressed up cute

This is my heart throb Georgie Gurl. We had just lost our old lab Sara,va month before. She was 14. My Hubby's uncle, needed work on his tractor, and had NO money. Instead, he gave us a puppy. A little white schnauzer. That little puppy, quickly stole my heart. She potty trained well. She is smart, funny and most important, she is loyal and loving.

After having her a few weeks, I was diagnosed with Ovarian cancer. My sweet Gurl, is always comforting me. If i am not well, she will lay next to me, in bed all day. Her silly spirit keeps me smiling. I will never own another breed again.

My Georgie Gurl has a perfect cat. Who she loves. She loves to go bye bye. Her first birthday is in a few days. February 15, we planned a party for her. Our kids LOVE her. Georgie is a big hit with everyone. She is smart, she can fetch, catch, and give 5, and up high .

This perfect beautiful puppy came in our life at the best and worse times of our life. I can't imagine how tough a time I would have with cancer, if I didn't have her. I love her and can't wait to love her for many many years to come.

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Feb 12, 2015
Hi Georgie Gurl
by: Anonymous

Happy Birthday from my white schnauzer Angel and My little blk/sil Charlie.I know what you mean about how loving and caring they are because I had larynx cancer in 2013 and just had reconstructive surgery this past Sept. and my babies layed beside me every minute of the day,I know in my heart they knew I was sick and they wanted to be there to make me feel better and honestly without them it would have been so much worse.there my sweet babies and i'll never own anything but schnausers!!!! excuse me,they own me!!!!lol God Bless and I pray you will get over this bump in the road and Georgie will make sure of it!!!!

Feb 12, 2015
Georgie Girl
by: Anonymous

i have and have had whites,my good boy Casper,and my current white,my little boy Oliver;
love the whites,Georgie Girl is adorable;
my thoughts & prayers are with you;

Feb 12, 2015
my schnauzer
by: Juhani

I have a white and just love schnauzers I have had three I would love to breed him.Enjoy your little girl.

Feb 12, 2015
Happy Birthday Georgie Gurl
by: Michele Rambo,Rebel & Benji

Hi there Georgie Gurl.. You are gorgeous and we, Rambo,
( I'm an Australian Silky ) Rebel & Benji.. ( we are two minis )
wish you a Wonderful Birthday in your new Forever Loving Home and hope your Mummy gets better real soon and is able to take you on lovely long walks.. Have a great day with lots of love and presents.. Love from Rambo, Rebel & Benji xx

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