Here is my Schnoz Pluto

by Karola
(Sheffield, UK)

Pluto enjoying a carrot

Pluto enjoying a carrot

Dearest Pluto. How I love you. You want to play and tug and run and stand on your back legs all the time. You are my joy and happiness. I have wanted a dog for 43 years and now I have you. You are a dream come true. I just love everything about you. I just love your eyebrows, whiskers, and your dark eyes. I love how you thrash around on the carpet, beating the air with your back legs! And in this picture you are enjoying a yummy carrot. One of your favorite treats. Was fur ein schoner Hund du bist! (translation: for you are a beautiful dog)

I know this is a very sloppy letter. but it's late at night and you are currently on the sofa waiting to go to bed and anyways, Schnoz owners will totally understand. I am your proud owner and love you so much, K

Comments for Here is my Schnoz Pluto

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by: Joyce Harrison

I am sooo excited for you!!!! Until a year ago, I NEVER KNEW just what a joy ... and how brilliant these sweet dogs are!!! Pluto is just adorable!!!!!
They give sooo much love!!!!

by: Anonymous

great dog!!!

if it isn't a schnauzer,it's just a dog;

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