Gunga Din

by Christine Poljakovic
(Royan, France)

I love carrots

I love carrots

I have a male mini schnauzer named Gunga Din (names had to begin with G in France last year). he is five months old now and I waited for him to be born and be eight weeks old before he was allowed to come home to me. I fell in love with Schnauzers when I met a neighbor with a salt and pepper mini schnauzer.

Gunga has turned from a doggy shark (witness all my torn trousers) into the sweetest dog you could imagine - learning new tricks every day.

His favourite occupation is going for walks to meet people and other dogs and to check out everything going on - he loves building sites and stands perfectly still until the very last nail has been hammered in!!

He has made a lot of friends on the beach especially a Great Dane - Gunga just about reaches the bottom of his knee.

This is my first Schnauzer but I'm already in love with the breed.

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Good Luck !
by: Anonymous

He's handsome... I have two male litter mates , Fred and Fritz, who just turned 1 year old... They are such fun to watch and be around... They love to run after each other in the yard and play and love each other and us.. I've had Schnauzer's prior but these two are special! Enjoy Gunda Din.. Great name by the way !

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