Flurry Sensation

by Sarah Bealko
(Davison, Mi)

Miniature Schnauzer Flurry

Miniature Schnauzer Flurry

Flurry is a 12 week old white chocolate Beauty. She is a very lovable, huggable puppy. She loves people and always wants to be the center of attention. We and Flossy love her very much and we're happy to have her be apart of our family.

The black and white photo is both our new puppy Flurry along with her fur sister Flossy: Now this is a perfect February Valentines photo. This is true Schnauzer Love. Flossy and Flurry are inseparable. Even though they sometimes don't always share, growl back at one another and bark swear words at each other they always find a way to make up. And what a better way then a sweet nose to nose touch? They may not be from the same breeder but they were meant to be sisters! Happy Valentines Day <3

Comments for Flurry Sensation

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flurry sensation
by: earl & carolyn

what! a beautiful puppy!!!
hooray for the white schnauzers!!!!! R.I.P. Casper

Just Adorable
by: Christina

Very Adorable!!!=)

Flurry Sensation!
by: KG ~ Ebenezer's "mom"

What a beauty! You got her name right, too!!

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